On Mon, 2010-06-07 at 15:44 -0400, Bill Cox wrote:
> Hi, Bryen.  You're question is a good one.  The answer is simple: We
> need Vinux because it enables us to increase the rate of improvement
> of accessibility in all the major Linux distros.
> We're making real progress with Vinux, and we're feeding our
> improvements as rapidly upstream as they will take them.  For example,
> if you have a reasonably new Firefox (say 3.6 or newer), chances are
> it's accessibility is fairly poor.  We've fixed the worst bug over in
> Vinux land, and a patch is waiting for review at Mozilla.  In the
> meantime, Vinux users have had the patch for a month, and we've moved
> onto tracking down the next bug.  We've also made cell_renderer_pixbuf
> more accessible, and vinux testers can actually use Synaptic.
> Having a critical mass of visually impaired developers working
> together can enable us to fix today's problems, with time left over to
> make improvements.  We don't have to wait for upstream release cycles
> to move forward.  It's all about rapid progress.  Accessibility comes
> first, and we don't accept excuses for slowing down.
> Bill

This is good to know and highlights the value of such a spinoff for
upstream benefit.

So my next question is, do you coordinate well with other a11y spinoffs?
For example, I saw a Portuguese language based A11y spinoff based on
Ubuntu last week.  Is there communication going on with the different


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