
Maybe I can try to start at 11.00, but I need to see if the host is available then, and also we have to find some lunch somewhere, which is a bit of a hassle. I'll look into it ok?


Dave Neary schreef:
Hi Sanne,

Sanne te Meerman wrote:
I hope you can make it on monday-afternoon. I'm of course willing to
consider other options than monday afternoon as well, but I hope that
everyone who is considering a session for monday and thuesday agrees
that this pre-conference is important, and will work with me to make
things fit together.

As I said to Fernando in another email, I really feel that the logical
order for the training is Tools, then platform, then community, then
practical workshop. That would put his platform session on Monday afternoon.

Would it be possible to accommodate him on Monday morning, allowing
everyone to be happy?


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