On 23 February 2010 14:32, Bryen M Yunashko <susero...@bryen.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 09:24 -0500, Willie Walker wrote:
>> > I encourage you to get more involved - it is the best way to make a
>> > difference.
>> +1 :-)  We need a strong advocate on the release team.
> Do we educate those in the a11y community to be more technically
> proficient to participate in these teams?  Do we educate the teams to
> look to the a11y team more?  How do we find middle ground?

Neither will be scalable or sustainable on their own. I'm not sure
what the answer is either but it has to start with making the
knowledge available or it just works (baked in). Automated testing may

Steve Lee

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