Hi Eitan:

We're going through a lot of severe changes for 2.30, mostly with respect to Bonobo Deprecation, WebKit, and GNOME Shell. If we don't get these right, we will suck and there's no use talking about other stuff.

The goal of the weekly meetings was to keep us in touch with the GNOME 2.30 schedule and touch base to see how we are doing. So, it's mostly a status/planning meeting for understanding if we're going to make the 2.30 target, what barriers we are facing, and how we can help each other succeed. As such, the agenda is somewhat consistent: http://live.gnome.org/Accessibility/GNOME3

Doodle.com was a failed experiment due to the variety of issues people had with its user interface -- people selected times that they didn't mean to select. So, I need to schedule the meeting to a different time that works for the people that I need there. Once I can do that, I will be a bit more diligent about agendas and e-mail reminders.

For now thru the end of the GNOME 2.30 (and possibly GNOME 3) cycle, I want us to focus on things we need to do to get us past this perfect storm of three huge fronts. We can also discuss other things of importance, such as the CSUN Hackfest, Project:Possibility, etc.


On Jan 25, 2010, at 5:28 PM, Eitan Isaacson wrote:

I have had trouble making the meeting in the last couple of weeks,
and I probably won't make it this week either. With that said, the day
and time are the most convenient possible.

Maybe people aren't showing up because the meetings are very frequent,
and there is not enough to talk about each week? Will we lose momentum
if we make this meeting bi-monthly? Or the facilitator should publish
the agenda to the ML with a reminder, so people know to show up, and
what will be discussed.

Just some scattered thoughts.


On Sun, 2010-01-24 at 11:51 -0500, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi All:

We have been limping along with our agreed-to meeting time of 21:00 UTC on Fridays. We agreed to this time slot using doodle.com. Based upon feedback from people, the user interface to doodle.com seems to have confused enough people so that the times slots they *thought* they were voting on were indeed different time slots.

So, let's try again using an old-fashioned method that actually works. Please send me your availability on any of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday and I can try to come up with something that works for us.



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