Okay, it won't really feel like a holiday party.  We won't have
refreshments, no singing of Carols (or Barbaras or Janes either), and
certainly no lights hanging along the IRC Channel's walls and festooning
trees and menorahs.

But we're still going to have an end of the year #a11y meeting on
Monday, December 7th at our usual time.  Let's use this time to tackle
any immediate business we need to tend to, reflect on what has happened
for the past year and think of what we want to see happen for this
awesome A11y Team in 2010.  This will be the last meeting of the year,
what with holidays coming up and everyone busy out shopping for holiday
gifts for me.

So... See you all in GNOME's #a11y channel at 15:00 UTC  And if you've
never come to our meetings before, come on down anyway.  We'd love to
see you there!


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