Hi Timothy,

If you can call functions in X library, getting the root window's property will tell you if accessibility is enabled.

/*--------------example code-------------*/
    Atom AT_SPI_IOR;
    Atom actual_type;
    int actual_format;
    unsigned char *data = NULL;
    unsigned long nitems;
    unsigned long leftover;

    AT_SPI_IOR = XInternAtom (display, "AT_SPI_IOR", False);
                       XDefaultRootWindow (display),
                       AT_SPI_IOR, 0L,
                       (long)BUFSIZ, False,
                       (Atom) 31, &actual_type, &actual_format,
                       &nitems, &leftover, &data);
/*---------------end of example----------------*/

If data is not NULL, at-spi-registryd has been started, which means accessibility is enabled.


Timothy Renner wrote:

I'm trying to find a reliable way of telling if accessibility is
enabled for the current X session without using the ATK or GTK
libraries built into a program.  I need to be able to query the
system, say through a shell script, or something as equally limited.

I was hoping to use the output from: gconftool-2 -g
/desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility, which will give me a true if I
run as the user, but unfortunately will give me a false if I run the
app with sudo (Which makes sense, since it's then run as root).  I
also can't modify the sudo call, so that's not an option.

Anyone have a better suggestion?

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