Hi Everyone, I've released the NG version into the master branch...
Here you can find more information about this version[0] and it can be downloaded using gnome's git[1]: If any bug is found I beg you all to create it in [2] [0] http://live.gnome.org/MouseTrap/v0.4 [1] git clone git://git.gnome.org/mousetrap [2] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=mousetrap Please, any Feedback is welcome. Thanks. -- Flavio Percoco Premoli, A.K.A. [Flaper87] http://www.flaper87.org Usuario Linux registrado #436538 Geek by nature, Linux by choice, Debian of course. Key Fingerprint: CFC0 C67D FF73 463B 7E55 CF43 25D1 E75B E2DB 15C7 The Solution to everything: python -c "from struct import pack; print pack('5b', (41*len('99')), pow(8,2)+20, 4900**0.5, range(78)[-1], 10)" _______________________________________________ gnome-accessibility-list mailing list gnome-accessibility-list@gnome.org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-accessibility-list