Thanks Lennart! This seems pretty interesting and something worthwhile to pursue. Would you or anyone on libcanberra-discuss be able to serve as a technical mentor for a college intern working on this for 10 weeks?


Lennart Poettering wrote:
On Mon, 02.03.09 15:16, Willie Walker ( wrote:

Hi Vincent:


Thanks for the info/pointer. Neat - looks like libcanberra has a way to bind textual descriptions to sound events:

I would be interested in talking with Lennert (CC'd) about this. Lennert, would it be possible to create something that could sniff the canberra traffic and allow us to be notified when something is being played and to extract the [con]textual information associated with it?

Sure. That's one of the reasons we created libcanberra.

Basically all you have to do is writing another backend for
libcanberra that deals with sound event the way you want. You can then
either use it as an exclusive backend for libcanberra (i.e. so that
actual sound is not generated) or multiplex events to your new
plugin and a sound generating plugin using the 'multi' plugin.

The idea of the properties libcanberra uses is that we can pass as
much contextual information from the application to the backend in a
simple way as necessary. For example, right now besides the sound
identifier and q descriptive text we pass mouse pointer positions (for
event sounds that are triggered by a click), the application and window
they originate from, an icon, and more. And we always can extend the
set of properties. My insight into a11y is minimal though, so the
current set of properties only includes what was obvious to me, so
feel free to ask for additional properties.

Some applications pass more context information then others right
now. For example you currently see more of "Download completed." than
"Download of file %s completed." if you understand what I mean. If
some tools actually rely on those strings the situation might improve
though and folks might get more careful with the properties they pass.

Make sure to join libcanberra-discuss if you have any questions:

Oh, and my name is actually Lennart, with an a,


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