El mar, 10-02-2009 a las 13:48 -0600, Brian Cameron escribió:
> Willie:
> At last year's GTK+ hackfest there wasn't a lot of a11y discussion or
> participation from the people who work on a11y-specific GTK+ features.
> Since the hackfest is invite-only, I suspect that the right people will
> only get invited if there is some reasonable list of issues and items
> to warrant people traveling to attend the event and spending time
> working on the issues involved.

It would be an honour for me to be there and as an a11y fighter I could
discuss some important things, obviously I need an invitation =P

If it is possible for me to be there We (a11y group) could prepare the
things that should be discussed and I would be the a11y reference in
that hackfest. 

What do you think?


P.S: I live in Como, CO Italy
Flavio Percoco Premoli, A.K.A. [Flaper87]
Usuario Linux registrado #436538
Geek by nature, Linux by choice, Archer of course.
Key Fingerprint: 2AAC 589E 6E61 98FC 1D80 D36B 3094 6CEA 26FD 9E19
The Solution to everything:
python -c "from struct import pack; print  pack('5b', (41*len('99')),
pow(8,2)+20, 4900**0.5, range(78)[-1], 10)"

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