Not sure where this problem might lie, but I'm wondering if anyone else
sees it?
Admittedly, my 1.5 GHz Celeron is showing its age, and probably isn't
the best platform for Ubuntu, but I notice that after about a day of use
my system is running so slow it is practically unusable. First I
suspected firefox, so I killed and restarted it, but this regularly
didn't solve the problem. Thunderbird was next, as were a number of
other programs on my system. Killing and restarting caused an
improvement, but things rapidly degraded to disk/swap thrashing and the
need to reboot. It was when I started finger-pointing at pidgin that I
finally fired up gnome-system-monitor...
...and discovered that at-spi-registryd was listed as using 189 MB of
RAM. No, that isn't a typo.
I'm unfortunately not conversent enough with ps to sort all processes by
memory use, and tools like top seem inaccessible unless I set a slow
refresh rate so I can review the material presented, so I'm not sure if
the problem is wider reaching than that. But I've done a bit of poking,
and if the problem isn't wider-reaching, at-spi-registryd is probably a
good starting point.
What I've noticed with periodic "ps auw |grep at-spi-registryd" checks
is that at-spi-registryd hovers at around 0.6% memory use for a while.
Then, at some point which I can't reliably reproduce other than by using
my computer for a day or two, it starts slowing. Over the course of two
cycles I've determined that this slowdown corresponds to a spike in the
percentage of memory used by at-spi-registryd, and it usually jumps to
7.something% and never drops below that point.
I tried checking out the latest at-spi-registryd from subversion. I use
stow to keep all locally-installed stuff separate and removable from
distribution-installed packages. I have
/usr/local/libexec/at-spi/at-spi-registryd, but
/usr/lib/at-spi/at-spi-registryd is still being started. How can I start
my own locally installed at-spi-registryd without replacing the Ubuntu
packaged version?
Until I figure this out, is there some way of stopping/restarting
at-spi-registryd mid-session? I tried killing it, but after that point I
was unable to get to a prompt where I could start a new instance.
Generally I can tell that I'm at a terminal or in the run dialog because
backspace on an empty line emits a beep, but nothing I did brought me to
this point.
Finally, has anyone else seen this behavior? I don't understand enough
of how the AT infrastructure works to know what might solve it. Is it an
issue with at-spi-registryd leaking, or maybe something where some user
of the registryd is flooding it with objects that it doesn't then
dispose of? As stated, I can't seem to reliably reproduce this problem
in any way other than maintaining an uptime of a day or two. Sometimes
it is hastened by visiting an intensive website in firefox, something
using lots of javascript and such, but it was just recently triggered
and I'd not done anything of the sort. Were there any major leak issues
resolved in newer at-spis? Is there anything else I might do to help
resolve this and find what piece in the puzzle might be causing it?
BTW, this is on the latest Ubuntu Intrepid X86 with all upgrades applied
and trunk Orca.
Thanks for your time.
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