Thanks Flavio!

This is all cool stuff. Keep in mind I'm going to keep hammering you on the usability of the actual tracking mechanism, though. Without the ability to actually use it for daily tasks all day long, the prettiest architecture and code won't get us far.

But...if you end up with a mechanism that can be used by a user efficiently to accomplish their tasks, then the prettiest architecture and code will get you a long way. :-)

Thanks again for your work!


Flavio Percoco Premoli wrote:
Willie Walker escribió:
Hi Flavio:

Many thanks for your work to date on MouseTrap! I think the most fundamental thing that is needed is smoothing out the pointer motion when running mouse trap with the "screen method" mouse movement method. I don't have any great ideas for how to improve this, though. :-(

Many thanks again, and Happy New Year to you, too.  :-)


Hi Will,

As always I'm really glad to read your emails.

Right now, I'm rewriting the MouseTrap's core. Why? With the new structure MouseTrap will be more extensible ( allowing the creation of new detections modules. E.g: 1 for the current module, another for eye tracking and so on ) and It will also make the interaction of mousetrap with other applications easier.

I've some new ideas about the interaction of MouseTrap and other applications like MouseTweaks and GOK.

You are right about the smooth pointer motion, I've to work on that, I think I've some ideas about how to smooth the movement but I've to test them, if there are new ideas I'm always here for them. :-)

I also created a new "screen method" type, that uses relative movements instead of the absolute movements.

I'm going to create a page on the MouseTrap's trac showing the graphic representation of the new structure and I'm going to upload the UML files too.

In any case, I'm always open to the new ideas with them MouseTrap can be improved...


P.S: btw, There's nothing to thank, it's an honour for me and I thank you for allowing me be part of this.

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