Wow Wow Wow, This is _AMAZING_....
I'm really exited about this, and you are completely right Will, I would
be really really glad to have some help with MouseTrap... Right now It
has some big changes coming on and the help is always welcome...
I let the Gnome's MouseTrap's link:
Stormy thanks a lot for this great new...
P.S: I have a skype account: flaper87 :-)
Willie Walker escribió:
This is AWESOME! Many thanks for your promotion of accessibility and
for getting GNOME some resources.
We should talk about this in the weekly #a11y meetings on, but there's a whole bunch of ideas at
Some of the things on the top of my list are Evince accessibility and
WebKit accessibility. Both require a bit of in-depth knowledge,
though, and would require some strong mentoring.
Another area, which is pretty cool and could use some help, is
MouseTrap. It has a good start, and I'm sure Flavio would welcome help.
Other areas include improving the out-of-the-box experience of GOK,
helping "fix" speech, testing, etc.
In any case, the above are just quick thoughts off the top of my head
and are not meant to detract from anything I neglected to mention.
Do you have any deadlines or dates where we'd need to get our act
Stormy Peters wrote:
Flavio Percoco Premoli, A.K.A. [Flaper87]
Usuario Linux registrado #436538
Geek by nature, Linux by choice, Archer of course.
Key Fingerprint: 2AAC 589E 6E61 98FC 1D80 D36B 3094 6CEA 26FD 9E19
The Solution to everything:
python -c "from struct import pack; print pack('5b', (41*len('99')), pow(8,2)+20,
4900**0.5, range(78)[-1], 10)"
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