Thanks, David. However, I must set the record straight. This one was all
Rob. My efforts in Nokia were well behind him.


David Bolter writes:
> Janina, it is all so awesomely cool.  Thanks for all your efforts behind 
> the scenes.
> cheers,
> David
> Janina Sajka wrote:
>> This truly is wonderful news. I personally can't wait to take some of
>> those KDE apps for a spin with Orca, and I expect there will be KDE
>> based AT that will now be able to do the same with Gnome, Open Office,
>> and Firefox.
>> But, there's one more aspect of this I wanted to mention. Will notes
>> that AT-SPI on Dbus will give us the opportunity to add accessibility to
>> small and embedded devices--cell phones, pdas, etc. During the recently
>> concluded Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit we heard an estimate
>> from IDC that Linux will drive approximately 50% of all such devices by
>> 2012. So, we may be on the verge of an explosion of accessibility
>> opportunities.
>> And, to top it all off, KDE and QT get the benefit of AT-SPI based
>> realtime automated testing, just like Dogtail and LDTP are doing via the
>> current Corba based AT-SPI. How awesomely cool is that?
>> Janina
>> Willie Walker writes:
>>> This is indeed awesome news for the community, and it's great to see that 
>>> the people who did the AT-SPI/DBus feasibility study are the ones that 
>>> will be doing the work.
>>> Some of the major impacts of this work include:
>>> 1) Releasing accessibility from the shackles of the out-of-style 
>>> CORBA/Bonobo technology and into the hip with-it DBus space.
>>> 2) Unifying accessibility infrastructure across KDE and GNOME, paving the 
>>> way for users to be able to use one assistive technology to be used to 
>>> access both desktops.
>>> 3) By shedding CORBA/Bonobo, it helps enable accessibility solutions to 
>>> migrate to the small device and embedded space.
>>> All very exciting stuff!
>>> Will
>>> JGJones wrote:
>>>> I came across this on Planet Gnome and thought it would be of interest 
>>>> if no-one heard of. Apologises if you all already know this and I'm a 
>>>> bit slow on the uptake :-)
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Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;        sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com

Chair, Open Accessibility       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       
Linux Foundation      
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list

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