Thanks Bryen!

Based upon our previous conversation, I added a bug to the Ekiga 
database.  :-)


Bryen wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 12:42 -0500, Willie Walker wrote:
>> Hey All:
>> As part of the "GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility" effort, we have
>> some 'smaller' tasks to focus on bug fixing in some key modules.  For
>> several reasons, we're considering ekiga as a module to focus on.
>> Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source VoIP and video
>> conferencing application for GNOME. Ekiga uses both the H.323 and SIP
>> protocols. It supports many audio and video codecs, and is interoperable
>> with other SIP compliant software and also with Microsoft NetMeeting.
>> There are a list of known accessibility-related bugs with Ekiga here:
>> For those of you who have been using Ekiga, are there additional bugs
>> that have not yet been logged or identified as accessibility bugs?
>> Will
> Hi Will,
> I know we've talked about this a bit last week in IRC, but I'll bring it
> up again here so more people can see.  I haven't followed up yet on
> further inquiries via the ekiga mailing list.  But plan to do so soon.
> One of the key benefits I see for Ekiga, is using it as the method of
> communication to video relay services for Deaf people.  Also as a way of
> connecting to video phones which is now a standard device in many Deaf
> homes and workplaces.  I need to research this in more detail and
> discuss with the different providers, such as SorensonVRS, as I know it
> is possible to do it since the technology and protocols are there.
> Then come up with a way to polish it so that first time Deaf users can
> easily communicate with each other via Ekiga.
> I'd like to see if others are willing to work on this project as I think
> it is a fairly easy project compared to some of the complexities of
> other a11y projects going on.  If anyone's interested, drop me a line.
> and we'll put our heads together and figure out the best ways to
> approach this as well as approaching the providers out there for how to
> connect to their particular videophones.
> Bryen
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