Ariel Rios writes:
> >
> > I am not very familiar with the ATK/AT-SPI implementations but I am
> > aware that these implementations are not compatible with the KDE
> > architecture, and a general move to DBUS has been often mentioned.
> > The GNOME Mobile & Embedded Initative could be the opportunity to
> > implement ATK / AT-SPI over DBUS and finaly offer a general solution.

For the record no one has stood in the way of a dbus at-spi
implementation. However, while we have talked about it for years, mainly
because there is strong aversion to Corba in the KDE community at least,
no one has stepped up with an implementation even for testing.

It should be clear that we cannot deliver accessibility to end users
based on wishes or on theory. We need solid, reliable, working
implementations. Until those are available in dbus, it would be
irresponsible in the extreme to abandon the existing working Corba
implementation. Given this obvious truth it's troubling to see Bonobo
deprecated in Gnome-2.19. What is the meaning of that? If actions speak
louder than words, how are we to understand a commitment to a11y in

> Please be aware that moving into dbus might be a very hard task.
> Currently GNOME has a working a11y architecture while KDE has none. Do
> we want to move to an non existant architecture from one that works
> actually really well?

Hear hear. I recognize I'm saying the same thing. But this is a
critically important issue for a11y.


> ariel
> >
> >
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