Hi Michael:

The following page may provide some information that can help:


If it doesn't help, and you have more questions, please ask.  We will
help you and will also update the page above to make life easier for
others in the future.

In addition, you're always welcome to join the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailing list to carry on Orca-specific discussions.

Hope this helps,


On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 01:31 +0100, MICHAEL WEAVER wrote:
> What applications and where do I get them for building Dectalk and Orca 
> when I untar the files?
> I need to know what I need to look for in Ubuntu so I can point out to 
> the person helping me to get Linux up and running with speech or perhaps 
> should I say to help me getting to work more smoothly as I now have some 
> kind of speech but an out of date version of Orca and no speech from 
> Dectalk until I get it installed and built.
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