I am trying to run Ubuntu.
Because I am a member of a couple of Linux User Groups in my area and  
new to Linux,
I am having to use a laptop as it helps me get support for  any problems 
I may have.
However, I had vaguely run Gnopernicus until I upgraded from the Beta of 
Dapper to actual release as I don't have  access to
all commands on my Compaq laptop.
I read some info about Orca and Ubuntu and the fact someone has got 
this  working
on a laptop.
I don't know if it is only one model of laptop which gives access to  
Orca, whether
the user had an extended keypad for his laptop or was able  to access 
flat review
mode or other Orca commands by using the FN key  that comes with most 
laptops but
could anyone possibly tell me if Orca  would be a more viable 
alternative for me?
I have been trying to get hold of a Numeric Pad but the one my sister  
bought me
from a computer fair is the wrong connector or needs an  adapter which I 
have yet
to find for it.
The person who wrote the information giving instructions as to how to  
set up Orca
on Ubuntu didn't say how he was able to access all the Orca  commands on 
his laptop
which is a bit puzzling for me as everyone who I  have spoken to about 
says I will find it impossible with a  laptop so it leaves you with the 
same impression
with Orca.
It would have been helpful if the author had explained the laptop  
keystrokes if
any he used.

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