Hi Chris,

One more thing.  You write:

> Using the system wide sticky keys means I need to have at least one
> dialog box when my keyboard starts and is therefore completely
> unacceptable.

Have you filed an RFE on this issue (seeking a way to invoke the 
system-wide Sticky-Keys functionality programatically without the user 
dialog box), or are you simply trying to "work around it"?  I would hope 
that part of a SoC project is to at least file bugs/RFEs for things you 
want, even if you "work around them" for the purposes of meeting a 
project deadline.  I would hope that filing bugs/RFEs is part of the 
purview of SoC projects.


Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

> Hi Chris,
> I think there are two issues here.  Well, three:
>  1. Can an on-screen keyboard implement "sticky" modifiers without using 
> the system support for sticky modifiers? 
>  2. Can an on-screen keyboard circumvent/disable the system support for 
> sticky modifiers (and slow keys, and...)?
>  3. Is the right way to "fix" what is "broken" in GOK doing another 
> project rather than working with the existing GOK code to "fix" those 
> "broken" things?
> I suggest that #3 may be somewhat religious at this point; I'm 
> personally saddened that we aren't at least looking seriously at GOK 
> improvements, but fundamentally a goal of UNIX accessibility is to 
> foster the development of a rich accessibility ecosystem - and a rich 
> ecosystem has room for multiple approaches to similar problems (cf. Orca 
> and Gnopernicus and LSR).
> I have no issues with #1 - I see no reason why an on-screen keyboard 
> cannot have its own way of making certain modifiers sticky on its own 
> user interface *without* doing so through the system-wide setting 
> mechanisms.  Such a decision is I think a valid user-interface policy 
> decision of an individual application.
> However, it is a direct Section 508 violation for an application to 
> override or ignore system-wide accessibility settings.  It is even more 
> egregious for an application that claims to be at least in part for 
> people with disabilities (and thus an 'enlightened' application) to do so.
> So, my suggestion is that if you simply cannot possible use the 
> system-settings for sticky keys as part of your own UI, that you make 
> things sticky your own way; however that if the system-wide settings are 
> on that you use and respect those (complete with the dialog box that you 
> seem to dislike).
> Regards,
> Peter Korn
> Accessibility Architect,
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
>> But this very same thing makes it very awkward who want sticky keys on
>> the keyboard and non-sticky on a physical.  Which would be true for
>> all non-a11y users and some a11y users.
>> In the end though the only manner it interferes with my keyboard is
>> the annoying dialogue that pops up, and the average  gnome-ally user
>> will probably be plenty used to seeing annoying dialogs anyway.
>> The slow keys dialogue however is another matter though.  Normal
>> operations are not resumed until it is dismissed.  Which in itself
>> incredibly annoying.
>> When planning the SOK I wanted to stay away from the three odd dialogs
>> that GOK pops up when it is started.  The plain fact is I don't want
>> any dialogs when starting SOK.  At all.
>> Using the system wide sticky keys means I need to have at least one
>> dialog box when my keyboard starts and is therefore completely
>> unacceptable.
>> On 26/06/06, Bill Haneman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2006-06-26 at 22:28, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
>>>> Chris Jones wrote:
>>>>> ...
>>>>> In other words I cannot spend the summer making gnome-a11y suitable
>>>>> for my needs.  What I need is a temporary work around until after the
>>>>> SoC when I could find time to work on this aspect of gnome-a11y and
>>>>> fix my program so it is not an "accessibility violation".
>>>> Chris,
>>>> Can you not simply make SOK remember that shift was pressed and keep the
>>>> state internally in SOK? IOW:
>>> We tried this with GOK at an early stage and it was not satisfactory.
>>> It also clashed badly with StickyKeys.  It doesn't make sense to build
>>> an onscreen keyboard and then not expect disabled users to try and use
>>> it, and they will rightly complain if it conflicts with StickyKeys.
>>> If you really are unwilling to turn on the global StickyKeys gconf key
>>> while the onscreen keyboard is posted, or at least when the pointer is
>>> inside it... (and I really do not understand why this would be a
>>> problem) there is XKB ABI which you can use to change the latch/lock
>>> status of individual modifier keys.  This should do exactly what you
>>> want without making StickyKeys active for the physical keyboard.
>>> google for XKBlib.pdf to find the XKB client manual, I believe it's
>>> section 10.6 that has the relevant client APIs.
>>> regards
>>> Bill
>>>> 1. when the user clicks shift you set a flag. When a letter is clicked
>>>> SOK sends shift+<letter>+unshift to X and removes the flag.
>>>> 2. When shift is clicked twice you set a sticky flag. Again, each time
>>>> the user clicks a letter, SOK sends shift+<letter>+unshift. When shift
>>>> is clicked again you unset the flag.
>>>> That way you avoid triggering slow keys and avoid making an
>>>> 'accessibility violation'.
>>>> Bill, is it an accessibility violation to have unusable accessibility 
>>>> tools?
>>>> - Henrik
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