
my configuration is:

- Debian Linux AMD64 testing/unstable
- kernel 2.6.16
- gnome-session 2.14.0-2
- gnome-panel 2.14.1-1
- metacity 2.14.1-2
- firefox 1.5.dfsg+1.5.0
- orca the latest cvs snapshot
- gnome-speech the latest cvs snapshot

First I started orca and set up all parameters. All was OK.

Then I restart my X and gnome session. After I started orca:

$ orca
Using speech server factory: orca.gnomespeechfactory
Speech module has been initialized.
Braille module has been initialized.
braille display size = (44, 1)
Magnification module has NOT been initialized.
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Vítá vás Orca.'
BRAILLE LINE:  'Vítá vás Orca.'
     VISIBLE:  'Vítá vás Orca.', cursor=0
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Switching to focus tracking mode.'
NEW SCRIPT: default (module=orca.default)

Then I started firefox:

$ firefox
Segmentation fault

and in orca terminal is:

Queueing event object:property-change:accessible-name
Queueing event object:property-change:accessible-name
Queueing event object:children-changed:remove
Queueing event object:children-changed:remove
Queueing event object:children-changed:add
Queueing event object:property-change:accessible-name
Queueing event object:property-change:accessible-name
Queueing event object:children-changed:add
Queueing event object:children-changed:remove
Queueing event object:children-changed:remove

It is in every time if I set accessibility on in gnome. If is
accessibility set to off, then firefox run OK.

Other thing is, that i can not switch between different window with ALT
TAB. Again, if I switch accessibility off, then this works OK.

Where is the problem?

Best regards


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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