>>>>> "HNO" == Henrik Nilsen Omma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    HNO> Hello, We are working on packaging screen reader support for
    HNO> the Ubuntu Live CD, but have gotten ourselves a little confused
    HNO> regarding file sizes ...

    HNO> Being a Live CD we are quite limited on disk space. We were
    HNO> thinking that we should use the smaller F-lite, rather than the
    HNO> full Festival, assuming it had smaller speech files. However,
    HNO> because gnome-speech doesn't have direct support for F-lite we
    HNO> also needed to include speech dispatcher (and gnome-speech from
    HNO> CVS), so it begins to grow.

The problem with flite is that it support English only now. For other
languages is not possible use it. It is not trivial convert any language
from festival to flite..... So if you will integrate flite only then can
people not use other languages.

Best regards


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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