On Sun, 2006-02-12 at 11:48, Petra Ritter wrote:
> hello Satyam,
> on Sunday, 12th Feb. 2006 at 09:13 wrote Satyam:
> > Hi,
> > Let me explain once again.
> > The problem is
> > When ever I typed or read the text I am not able to figure out
> > whether a letter is upper case or lower case.
> > When I use emacspeak I am able to get this information.
> > In simple words How should I get information about case of a letter?
> > I am using Fedora core2.
> As far I remember there was a discussion a flew month ago on this List
> about this topic.
> As far I remember at this time Gnopernicus was unable to tell your wether a 
> Letter was uppercase or
> lowercase.
> Please look in the archiv of this list for more information.
> I'm afraid I can't tray out myself ether Gnopernicus can tell the
> different between an uppercase or a lowercase letter because I don't
> have installed Gnopernicus yet.

gnopernicus has a command called "repeat last utterance". It is mapped
on layer 0 key 5 by default. When key is pressed first time, the last
speech output is repeat. The next press will speel the last output. The
capital letter will be spell as "cap" then the letter. The next press
will spell the last output in military mode. Again, the "cap" is present
for capital letters.


> -- 
> Best regards
> Petra 
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