
Sorry that was very misleading. You need to find a screen reader that supports java/java access bridge. Gnopernicus reads java via the gnome/java access bridge. I have been told emacspeak supports the java bridge. I am not sure about orca.

The IBM ASI/SVDK for accessibility doesn't appear to be around. This accomplished the same task that gnopernicus does, but required you to set 2 TTS programs (gnopernicus and IBM's TTS for java) Does anyone have any other recommendations?

God Bless,

Jason G.
Mathew 11:28-30

can you try to find out what name of ibm java screen reader is?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Grieves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <gnome-accessibility-list@gnome.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 9:51 AM
Subject: RE: gnopernicus concerns


I will try to answer a few of your questions

1) I have gotten gnopernicus to speak with firefox, open-office, gnome desktop applications. I 2) some applications written in GTK require you export the gail and atk bridge this can be done via the command line type "export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge" 3)you will need to setup your java apps (aka open office) to either work with the java bridge or a native java screen reader (IBM has a free one I have used) 4) If you are using Ubuntu I build .deb packages for gnopernicus. Otherwise you will need to compile your own gonpernicus packages with a compiler. You will also require a little knowledge of building/making. If you post your distribution you may find someone who can build it for you.

I hope this helps.

God Bless,

Jason G.
Mathew 11:28-30

sorry I hadn't posted a subject here is the message just in case anybody had trashed my email, my bad.

hi listers,
I'd like a couple things,

1. a list of programs gnopernicus will work with.

2. What is the command to make gnopernicus work with gaim messenger?

3. If any programs require gnopernicus work by typing a command before launching the program, what is it?

4. If anybody has gnopernicus, the latest version, I would like it, and all its dependancies along with it. I believe the latest is 1.12.0 or something. This in itself would be a great help from anybody


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