>>>>> "KH" == Kenny Hitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    KH> I get the same results, so it looks like this is a festival
    KH> problem.  

Indeed it is.  Festival identifies the "70s_sky.fm.pls" string as
something describing a year (because of the leading "70s").  Then it
incorrectly tries to read *all* the parts of the given token as numbers,
unless they are present in lexicon.

The bug is in Festival C++ code, so there's no easy way to fix it.  But
you can work around it by adding the file extensions to the lexicon,
e.g. (assuming you use the KAL voice):

  (lex.add.entry '("fm" nil (((eh f) 1) ((eh m) 1))))
  (lex.add.entry '("pls" nil (((p iy) 1) ((eh l) 1) ((eh s) 1))))
    KH> I wonder why it happens with festival and not flite?

Flite is definitely not an exact clone of Festival, so the bug may not
be present there or the general text->speech processing may be less
sophisticated than in Festival.


Milan Zamazal

  _/_\_/_  o     _\_/_\_  o     _/_\_/_  o     _\_/_\_  o    BEWARE!
-<_|_|_|_><--  -<_|_|_|_><--  -<_|_|_|_><--  -<_|_|_|_><--   *Bugs* are
   / \ /   o      \ / \   o      / \ /   o      \ / \   o     approaching!

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