
Jan Buchal, le Wed 20 Apr 2005 19:43:56 +0200, a dit :
> >>>>> "ST" == Samuel Thibault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     ST> Hi, Don Raikes, le Tue 19 Apr 2005 16:25:33 -0700, a dit :
>     >> How do I determine which virtual console is running the x server?
>     ST> In brltty's doc, there is some lines to cut & paste:
>     ST> CONTROLVT="$(grep "using VT number" "/var/log/XFree86.$(echo
>     ST> "$DISPLAY" | sed -e "s/^.*::*\([0-9]*\).*$/\1/").log" | sed -e
>     ST> "s/^.*using VT number \([0-9]*\).*$/\1/")" export CONTROLVT
> I have put these lines in to ~/.xsession however braille display not
> works X console.
> Here are messages from .xsession-errors:
> BrlAPI detected a 40x1 display
> no XFree86_VT property

Ah, too bad: that means that your XFree86 is old.

> ** BRAILLE initialization succeded for BRLTTY device on port -1.
>    To see something you must have a Braille device connected to your computer.
>    To change one or more settings use gnopernicus UI.
> The braille display works but on the other console. 

Which other console ? How do you start X ?

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