On 03/11/14 06:42, ssuk hyun kim wrote:
I have created an application that get informations of firefox using AT-SPI and c++ and worked. But it doesn't work while runs as upstart not an application despite the same source code.

The reason is atspi_init() returns error 2.

I wrote the conf file of upstart like this:

description "firefoxurl daemon"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on  runlevel [!2345]
    exec /opt/GetCurrentUrlOfFirefox
end script

Can someone tell me how to use at-spi in Upstart?

Do you mean Upstart http://upstart.ubuntu.com/?

In that case, probably you should ask upstart, as that seems an issue related with upstart. In any case, a wild guess would be that this service is being run as a root process or not tied to a session. at-spi is tied to a session.

Best regards

Alejandro Piñeiro (apinhe...@igalia.com)

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