About Java ATK Wrapper

Java ATK Wrapper provides a C wrapper to java to allow access to
methods from the ATK API interface in java

Maintainer notes
This is the first release in 4 years. It doesn't include a lot of new
stuff, but at least it is possible to build against the current building
tools (automake, etc), so now it would be easier to downstream to
include this module. Due the lack of major changes it is still a 0.30.X
version. Note that is the numbering for alpha/beta modules.
Java-atk-wrapper should be considered one of these, due the lack of real

While doing this release, we detected that the version bump on each
release was not included on the master branch. So most of the 0.30.X JAW
versions available were not reflected on master, but only on the branch
gnome-2-30. In that sense, the versioning of this module was more
updated on a specific branch that on master.

This was against the usual GNOME policies, and in general, for any
free software project using git as repository. So, from now on, the
usual policy would be used, summarized as:

 * master will include also the version bumping.
 * specific branches will be used for developing new features or to
   keep track of stable branches

Changes in version 0.30.5 (compared against 0.29.5)
* Atk wrapping:
   * Bug 616693: emit both the visible and showing events for combo box
   * Bug 611256 - atk_text_get_text is not working correctly with the
     specified end offset
* Building:
   * Add JAVACFLAGS option for build
   * Bug 703358 - java-atk-wrapper can't be re-automake with automake 1.13
   * Use -avoid-version only when target_os is cygwin
* Mantainership:
   * Updated doap file, both in format [1] and in content (current
     active maintainers)
   * Updated AUTHORS and MAINTAINERS files accordingly
* Miscellanea
   * Use GTK_PATH to locate libatk-bridge.so
   * Use AT_SPI_IOR and AT_SPI_BUS instead of GConf key to check
     enablement of accessibility
   * Adding initial .gitignore file

[1] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/release-team/2014-July/msg00045.html

Magdalen Berns, Leon Fan, James Page, Alejandro Piñeiro, Yaakov
Selkowitz, Ke Wang,

gnome-accessibility-devel mailing list

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