Hi Mark,

On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 16:56 +0000, Mark Doffman wrote:
> Available at http://live.gnome.org/GAP/AtSpiDbusInvestigation is the
> results of an investigation into a move of the AT-SPI interface to a
> D-Bus transport

        It's most interesting.

> D-Bus is undoubtedly slower at most of the common method calls, 5-6x
> slower when making a call that passes one int as an argument. When
> passing more data per call this speed difference decreases.

        This is simultaneosly pleasing & distressing. That D-BUS hasn't
apparently progressed performance-wise to the (non-optimised) state of
ORBit2 (effectively in deep-sleep/maintenance mode for the last 4 years)
is somewhat surprising. I wonder what is going on there, must be a silly
or two in the marshalling logic.

>  ORBit takes a long time to pass an Object reference, making D-Bus up
> to 1.5x faster at these method calls.

        I can believe it; CORBA object references are quite verbose -
particularly (as you note) when multiple transports are added: IP / Unix

> Although D-Bus is the slower transport, looking at the calls made by
> Orca and GOK, we feel it will be possible to provide sensible caching
> that should mitigate this effect.

        Quite - ultimately, the choice of transport is moot IMHO, though
clearly unifying on a single shared transport layer is a great direction
even if, for mindless political reasons, it has to be "not CORBA".

> For a switchover to D-Bus a number of core libraries will need to have
> the transport mechanism changed: cspi, pyatspi, GAIL. There will also
> need to be a new Java accessibility back end. Some core D-Bus work is
> also needed, in the areas of interface specification, bindings and
> possibly optimisation.

        Right; so I guess the sticking point is only Java.

        Wrt. core D-BUS work: one of the reasons I was actually enthusiastic
about a switch to D-BUS is that it marshals types on the wire: that
*should* allow an extremely sexy forward & backwards compatibility story
to be developed: that is impossible with CORBA. Unfortunately, it seems
that's been mostly ignored despite my attempts to communicate that:
generating a shared goal of that for a11y would be really useful.

        What do I mean about compatibility ? cf. the mess around 'Event'
'EventDetails' etc. If we can have a 'struct' that simply grows as we
add more fields to it, and gets padded with 0's as mismatches occur: we
have an incredibly nice compatibility story. The stock non-answer to
this is "ah yes, if you hand-write all your marshallers / de-marshallers
- you can get that already !" ;-) which leads to point b):

        The bindings must be good, and need to be generated from some sort of
sane & readable (preferably IDL-like) interface description. I wrote a
prototype one in perl long ago, not sure if it's rescue-able ;-)

        Anyhow, the "D/BUS thoughts" I wrote in 2005 is attached, somehow it
managed not to get moderated when I re-posted it to the D-BUS list some
year or so later; perhaps it's only of historical interest now.

        One last concern - was anonymous objects & the problems of type
introspection (round-trip-wise). Do we marshal the interface type of an
object with it's reference ? [ bit rusty here ].

        Another query - wrt. lifecycle mechanisms: what would be proposed for
lifecycle tracking object peers inside providing applications ?

        Anyhow - in general, IMHO etc. moving to D-BUS is a positive move, and
[ I guess ], the mercy (I hope) is that it can be done without excessive
disription to the Python or cspi bindings, and no pain for atk either. I
guess as Novell spins up it's a11y team here, we -may- be able to help
out with some of the work / testing - though that's unclear as yet. I'd
love to follow the design & impl. of the work myself anyhow.



 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

--- Begin Message ---
Hi Havoc,

        So - at LWE I said I'd scribble down a few notes wrt. things I
was hoping would get done in D/BUS; most pleased to see the recursive
type support. Please do forward to the list if you think any of it is

        So - this is informed by the work on ORBit2; we learned a
number of interesting things there over the course of a few years.
hopefully some of these are by now fixed in D/BUS etc.

* Some lessons:
        + don't create new type systems
                + people hate to convert between representations
                + people hated (the type-safe, powerful etc.) CORBA
                  type system; because they had to convert between
                  GArray & CORBA_sequence_Foo

        + use a recursive type system
                + all programming languages have them, for good
                + they allow a nice, simple mapping to many

        + a corrolory of that is:
                + don't proliferate representations
                        + you will always need a native
                          representation of XYZ information
                        + if you structure that representation to
                          conform to your type system - you avoid
                          creating 'yet another representation'
                + ie. it's not a strength to represent type data in
                  IDL, and XML, and 1-per-language native parsed
                  forms. Far better to use a common representation
                  based on the type system.
                + IPC shouldn't be _that_ difficult, or require
                  _that_ much code
                + reducing redundant representations helps to
                  substantially reduce code complexity & ease

        Anyhow - here were some of my thoughts of several months ago
when I last looked at D/BUS:

    * Extensibility
        + One thing I really like about D/BUS that CORBA was
          missing is the extensibility allowed by the marshalling
          of type information on the wire. ie. a D/BUS call
          would look (in CORBA) like:
                callMethod( in string name, in sequence<Any> args)
        + Unfortunately, CORBA relied on a very strong contract
          between client & server. There is no need to do this
          with D/BUS:
        ** extra arguments to functions, extra members in structures
           etc. should be silently elided / padded to 0 **
        + Of course there was interface versioning, and perhaps that
          is/was necessary but it never worked well.

    * Anonymous object references
        + In may applications there are no particularly obvious,
          or sensibly unique string names associated with objects
          we want to expose.
        ** There needs to be a good, performant, standard mangling
           for such objects. **

    * Introspection - performance
        + CORBA passes a type-id with every object reference.
          While that looks like wasteful overhead, it allows a
          remote client to realise that it is of an identical
          type to a previously introspected object - meaning
          that scripting bindings don't have to do 1 extra,
          synchronous round-trip per method call, plus a load
          of (XML?) parsing to be able to invoke a method on
          the object.
        ** D/BUS should do something similar, round-trips are
           expensive. **

    * Introspection - complexity
        + As previously discussed; there is a huge benefit to
          the existing 'getIntrospectionData' type method,
          however - the introduction of a new XML representation
          seems unnecessary.
                + that is particularly true if the base types
                  can be compatibly extended during marshalling.
        + this would avoid the need for an XML parser with
          commensurate time & space penalty, still provide
          equal extensibility, and reduce the representation
        ** D/BUS should use it's native type system to describe
           types instead of a foreign one **

    * Mapping recursive types to the native C ABI
        + This is a simple task - and we should be doing it to
          the GArray types - again, not a new idea.
        + Writing that code is _suprisingly_ complex, error
          prone, and difficult to test across the N architectures.
        + Re-licensing the ORBit2 code to do it should be no
          issue, it's mostly Novell/RH code.
        + ie. you should be able to call:
                sequence<GdkRectangle> getAreas(in long index);
          as: GArray *getAreas(glong index);
          and get not a GArray of GValue's or some ugly /
          cumbersome 'Any' type, but real struct GdkRectangles.

    * Flow control & blocking
        + It is often the case that two processes exist one
          producing events & one consuming them.
        + this situation requires careful handling to avoid
          the source out-producing the sink, leading to run-away
          memory consumption / failure.
        + this can either be performed by tiresome, complex &
          fragile user-land flow-control; or by the simple
          mechanism of blocking the socket to let the kernel
          deal with the issue.
        + unfortunately - most IPC channels are shared; if an
          out of control asynchronous event flow blocks a
          socket, then no - necessarily-under-control
          synchronous IPC can get down the same channel =>
          deadlock potential.
        + Thus it'd be nice to have the concept of a blockable
          event 'flow', vs. a point-to-point, reliable IPC
        + A simple example is the flow of accessible events,
          each event often causing the sink to emit multiple
          round-trip calls to the source to fetch more

        I hope that helps, sorry it took so long.



 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

--- End Message ---
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