Looks like Fedora may pick this font up directly--until such time as it
is provided via Gnome:


Meanwhile, we've added it to our Speakup Modified Fedora installation
media, and are also making Fedora rpms available for Fedora 7 and Fedora
8 through standard installation/update mechanisms:


So, to install to your F-7 or F-8 you might do something like:

yum install tiresias-fonts


Peter Korn writes:
> Hi gang,
> I just received word (see attached) that the Tiresias family of fonts, 
> designed by the Royal National Institute for the Blind for clarity and 
> ease of recognition by folks with vision impairments are now available 
> under GPL v3.  The family includes fonts recommended and tested for use 
> in signage, print, television, and computer use (the latter is "PCFont" 
> - see http://www.tiresias.org/fonts/pcfont/about_pc.htm for details). 
> I would like to recommend we consider redistributing these fonts with 
> GNOME (or at least link to them so that UNIX distros that include GNOME 
> might become aware of and potentially include this font).
> Regards,
> Peter Korn
> Accessibility Architect,
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.

> From: "Carter, Katherine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear Colleague, 
> Free downloads are now available for the Tiresias fonts (LPFont, PCFont,
> InfoFont, SignFont, KeyFont) from
> www.tiresias.org/fonts/fonts_download.htm
> Work has continued on extending the list of standards which relate to
> accessibility of information and communication technology systems and on
> linking them to the committee responsible for each standard. Also, we
> now have a quarterly report on the current status of standards under
> development. The standards section is at www.tiresias.org/standards/
> New and updated Guidelines
> Transport - Now covers air, rail, road and sea. This can be found at
> www.tiresias.org/guidelines/transport/
> e-Voting - Now includes a new section on current voting practices for
> people with disabilities. This can found at
> www.tiresias.org/guidelines/e_voting.htm
> Household appliances - This new guideline can be found at
> www.tiresias.org/guidelines/household_appliances.htm
> Accessible tourism - These guidelines have been extensively revised and
> extended and can be found at
> www.tiresias.org/guidelines/accessible_tourism/
> The website has been modified to make it easier to navigate with
> features such as "breadcrumbs". What else would make it easier for you
> to use?
> Regards,
> Dr John Gill OBE FIET
> Chief Scientist
> Scientific Research Unit
> 105 Judd Street
> London
> WC1H 9NE
> Tel +44 20 7391 2244
> Web: www.tiresias.org 
> -- 
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> RNIB endeavours to ensure that emails and any attachments generated by
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> Please note that the statements and views expressed in this email and 
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> Website: http://www.rnib.org.uk
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> www.blackspider.com

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> Gnome-accessibility-devel mailing list
> Gnome-accessibility-devel@gnome.org
> http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-accessibility-devel


Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;        sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com

Chair, Open Accessibility       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       
Linux Foundation                http://a11y.org
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