Hi Francesco,

Thanks for the video - it really helps illustrate MouseTweaks.  I think 
this is a very useful utility that nicely complements the existing GNOME 
accessibility functionality we already have.  There are similar 
commercial applications for Windows. 
Have you given much thought to more visual feedback around the mouse 
cursor itself?  Windows commercial offerings I've seen will show the 
dwell timeout with a color change of the mouse cursor (e.g. "filling" 
from bottom to top in inverse video), and also the mouse action at the 
mouse cursor (click, drag, etc. - with the indication composited with 
the current mouse cursor, or just off to the side of it).


Peter Korn
Accessibility Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

> Hello,
> First of all, sorry for replying so late.
> At 3:24 PM -0400 10/1/07, Willie Walker wrote:
>> If you know of anyone that might even be remotely related to MouseTweaks
>> and could talk about it (e.g., demo, use cases, remaining work, etc.), I'd be
>> really happy to add it to the agenda for the accessibility summit.
> I only know of 3 people related to MouseTweaks:
> - Henrik Nilsen Omma <henrikATubuntuDOTcom> who submitted it as a GSoC 2007 
> (at least I think so)
> - Gerd Kohlberger <lowfiATchelloCOMat> who implemented it as a GSoC 2007
> - and myself who wrote the first version of the specification
> I don't know whether Henrik is comming, but I don't think so.
> So I just created a demo of mousetweaks in GNOME by using the software 
> recordmydesktop. I posted it here (it is about 53 MB):
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Specs/MouseTweaks?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=moustweaks-video.ogg
> Please, be aware that the version of mousetweaks that you can watch in the 
> demo is not the most current one:
> For example, the current version in the trunk does not have a notification 
> icon anymore; it has been replaced by an item in the Accessibility menu that 
> resides in the Applications menu.
> Moreover, it is planned to add a checkbox to the preferences panel to run and 
> kill mousetweaks.
> I hope that the video can be helpful; but I am afraid that it might be a bit 
> late.
>> I'd also like to hear more about onBoard and future plans for it.  One of the
>> potential ideas for "real work" that could be done is porting/rewriting GOK
>> in Python to allow more scripting and customization capabilities.  I wonder,
>> however, if it might make sense to try to roll the 'best of' GOK into onBoard
>> and then propose onBoard as a replacement for GOK.  Yes, I know I'm
>> close to opening a can of worms here...
> I really don't have a clue whether it might make sense to try to 
> port/merge... gok and onboard.
> The best might be to talk to the author of onboard:
> "Chris Jones" <skatingDOTtortoiseATgmailDOTcom>
> Have a nice day.
> Francesco
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