Dear Chris, Thank you so much for providing the scripts and such detailed instructions. I was trying to load the gromacs module that is already available and was unable to get it to run.
Thanks to you, I now have a working gromacs installation. On Thursday, October 10, 2013 2:59 PM, Christopher Neale <> wrote: Dear Arun: here is how I compile fftw and gromacs on stampede. I have also included a job script and a script to submit a chain of jobs. As Szilárd notes, this does not use the MICs, but it is still a rather fast machine. # Compilation for single precision gromacs plus mdrun_mpi # #################################################################### # Compile fftw on stampede: cd fftw-3.3.3 mkdir exec export FFTW_LOCATION=$(pwd)/exec module purge module load intel/ export CC=icc export CXX=icpc ./configure --enable-float --enable-threads --prefix=${FFTW_LOCATION} --enable-sse2 make -j4 make -j4 install cd ../ #################################################################### # Compile gromacs 4.6.1 on stampede: cd gromacs-4.6.1 mkdir source mv * source mkdir exec cd exec module purge module load intel/ module load cmake/2.8.9 export FFTW_LOCATION=$(pwd)/../fftw-3.3.3/exec export CXX=icpc export CC=icc cmake ../source/ \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$FFTW_LOCATION \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd) \ -DGMX_X11=OFF \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${CXX} \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CC} \ -DGMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=ON \ -DGMX_MPI=OFF make -j4 make -j4 install cd ../ mkdir exec2 cd exec2 module purge module load intel/ module load cmake/2.8.9 module load mvapich2/1.9a2 export FFTW_LOCATION=$(pwd)/../fftw-3.3.3/exec export CXX=mpicxx export CC=mpicc cmake ../source/ \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$FFTW_LOCATION \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd) \ -DGMX_X11=OFF \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${CXX} \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CC} \ -DGMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=ON \ -DGMX_MPI=ON make -j4 mdrun make -j4 install-mdrun cp bin/mdrun_mpi ../exec/bin cd ../ #################################################################### #################################################################### #################################################################### # Here is a script that you can submit to run gromacs on stampede: # Set SBATCH -A according to your allocation # Set SBATCH -N to number of nodes # Set SBATCH -n to number of nodes x 16 (= number of CPU cores) # Set PATH and GMXLIB according to your compilation of gromacs # Remove -notunepme option if you don't mind some of the new optimizations #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J test # Job name #SBATCH -o myjob.%j.out # Name of stdout output file (%j expands to jobId) #SBATCH -p normal # Queue name #SBATCH -N 7 # Total number of nodes requested (16 cores/node) #SBATCH -n 112 # Total number of mpi tasks requested #SBATCH -t 48:00:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss) #SBATCH -A TG-XXXXXX # <-- Allocation name to charge job against PATH=/home1/02417/cneale/exe/gromacs-4.6.1/exec/bin:$PATH GMXLIB=/home1/02417/cneale/exe/gromacs-4.6.1/exec/share/gromacs/top # grompp -f md.mdp -p -c crashframe.gro -o md3.tpr -r restr.gro ibrun mdrun_mpi -notunepme -deffnm md3 -dlb yes -npme 16 -cpt 60 -cpi md3.cpt -nsteps 5000000000 -maxh 47.9 -noappend cp md3.cpt backup_md3_$(date|sed "s/ /_/g").cpt #################################################################### # submit the above script like this: sbatch #################################################################### # or create a chain of jobs like this: N=8 if [ ! -e last_job_in_chain ]; then id=$(sbatch ${script}|tail -n 1 |awk '{print $NF}') echo $id > last_job_in_chain let "N--" fi id=$(cat last_job_in_chain) for((i=1;i<=N;i++)); do id=$(sbatch -d afterany:${id} ${script}|tail -n 1 |awk '{print $NF}') echo $id > last_job_in_chain done -- gmx-users mailing list * Please search the archive at before posting! * Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www interface or send it to * Can't post? Read -- gmx-users mailing list * Please search the archive at before posting! * Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www interface or send it to * Can't post? Read