Dear GMXers,
Since I am interested in interactions of lone electron pairs of water oxygen within the active site of an enzyme that I work on, I decided to give TIP5P a shot. I use OPLSAA. I run into troubles very fast trying to minimize freshly solvated system. I found on the gmx-users ( that cg and constraints don't go together when TIP5P is to be used - thats OK. It turned out, however, that I was not able to minimize my protein even with steepest descent. The system minimizes with TIP4P pretty well (emtol=1.0). In the meantime I tried to minimize short peptide - 10aa, did not work as well. What happens? The LP of water used to get too close to positively charged hydrogens (without VDW radius) on arginine. It looks like this:

Step= 579, Dmax= 8.0e-03 nm, Epot= -1.40714e+05 Fmax= 1.20925e+04, atom= 171 Step= 580, Dmax= 9.6e-03 nm, Epot= -1.41193e+05 Fmax= 8.13923e+04, atom= 171 Step= 581, Dmax= 1.1e-02 nm, Epot= -1.43034e+05 Fmax= 1.03648e+06, atom= 11181 Step= 585, Dmax= 1.7e-03 nm, Epot= -1.46878e+05 Fmax= 4.23958e+06, atom= 11181 Step= 587, Dmax= 1.0e-03 nm, Epot= -1.49565e+05 Fmax= 9.43285e+06, atom= 11181 Step= 589, Dmax= 6.2e-04 nm, Epot= -1.59042e+05 Fmax= 3.55920e+07, atom= 11181 Step= 591, Dmax= 3.7e-04 nm, Epot= -1.69054e+05 Fmax= 7.79944e+07, atom= 11181 Step= 593, Dmax= 2.2e-04 nm, Epot= -1.85575e+05 Fmax= 2.27640e+08, atom= 11181 Step= 595, Dmax= 1.3e-04 nm, Epot= -2.35034e+05 Fmax= 5.88938e+08, atom= 17181 Step= 597, Dmax= 8.0e-05 nm, Epot= -2.39154e+05 Fmax= 1.22615e+09, atom= 11181 Step= 598, Dmax= 9.6e-05 nm, Epot= -2.67157e+05 Fmax= 1.96782e+09, atom= 11181 Step= 600, Dmax= 5.8e-05 nm, Epot= -4.37260e+05 Fmax= 1.08988e+10, atom= 11181 Step= 602, Dmax= 3.5e-05 nm, Epot= -4.65654e+05 Fmax= 1.29609e+10, atom= 11181 Step= 604, Dmax= 2.1e-05 nm, Epot= -1.17945e+06 Fmax= 1.31028e+11, atom= 11181 Step= 607, Dmax= 6.3e-06 nm, Epot= -3.07551e+06 Fmax= 6.04297e+11, atom= 11181 Step= 610, Dmax= 1.9e-06 nm, Epot= -4.26709e+06 Fmax= 1.61390e+12, atom= 11181 Step= 611, Dmax= 2.3e-06 nm, Epot= -4.39724e+06 Fmax= 2.14416e+12, atom= 11181 Step= 613, Dmax= 1.4e-06 nm, Epot= -1.27489e+07 Fmax= 1.03223e+13, atom= 17181 Step= 614, Dmax= 1.6e-06 nm, Epot= -5.23118e+06 Fmax= 3.18465e+12, atom= 11181
Energy minimization has stopped, but the forces havenot converged to the

In this example atom 171 is HH21 of ARG, and 11181 is oxygen of water that got close to this ARG. Sometimes the epot turns nan at the end. If you would like to reproduce, I put the peptide.pdb, the mdp file and the running script at . If anybody have any suggestions how to minimize (deep) with OPLSAA + TIP5P in gromacs (4.6.3 preferably...) without constraining bond lengths (which is also problematic), I will be very very grateful.

Grzegorz Wieczorek
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