Hi Justin,
Output topology from pdb2gmx.  You could see some entries differ between
two molecules.

I'm looking forward to do restrained MD for this system by using Gromacs.

[ moleculetype ]
; Name            nrexcl
Protein             3

[ atoms ]
;   nr       type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge       mass
typeB    chargeB      massB
; residue 100 PHE rtp PHE  q +1.0
     1   opls_287    100    PHE      N      1       -0.3    14.0067   ;
qtot -0.3
     2   opls_290    100    PHE     H1      1       0.33      1.008   ;
qtot 0.03
     3   opls_290    100    PHE     H2      1       0.33      1.008   ;
qtot 0.36
     4   opls_290    100    PHE     H3      1       0.33      1.008   ;
qtot 0.69
     5  opls_293B    100    PHE     CA      1       0.25     12.011   ;
qtot 0.94
     6   opls_140    100    PHE     HA      1       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 1
     7   opls_149    100    PHE     CB      2     -0.005     12.011   ;
qtot 0.995

; residue   1 DMPC rtp DMPC q  0.0
  2514        LC3      1   DMPC    CN1    874        0.4     15.035   ;
qtot 8.4
  2515        LC3      1   DMPC    CN2    874        0.4     15.035   ;
qtot 8.8
  2516        LC3      1   DMPC    CN3    874        0.4     15.035   ;
qtot 9.2
  2517        LNL      1   DMPC    NTM    874       -0.5    14.0067   ;
qtot 8.7
  2518        LH2      1   DMPC     CA    874        0.3     14.027   ;
qtot 9
  2519        LC2      1   DMPC     CB    875        0.4     14.027   ;
qtot 9.4
  2520        LOS      1   DMPC     OA    875       -0.8    15.9994   ;
qtot 8.6
  2521         LP      1   DMPC      P    875        1.7    30.9738   ;
qtot 10.3
  2522        LOM      1   DMPC     OB    875       -0.8    15.9994   ;
qtot 9.5
  2523        LOM      1   DMPC     OC    875       -0.8    15.9994   ;
qtot 8.7
  2524        LOS      1   DMPC     OD    875       -0.7    15.9994   ;
qtot 8
  2525        LC2      1   DMPC     CC    876        0.4     14.027   ;
qtot 8.4
  2526        LH1      1   DMPC     CD    876        0.3     13.019   ;
qtot 8.7
  2527        LOS      1   DMPC     OE    876       -0.7    15.9994   ;
qtot 8

[ bonds ]
;  ai    aj funct            c0            c1            c2            c3
    ;bonds for protein
   1     2     1
    1     3     1
    1     4     1
    1     5     1
    5     6     1
    5     7     1
    5    21     1
    7     8     1
    7     9     1
    7    10     1
;bonds from lipid atoms
 2514  2517     1       0.1470   8.7100e+06
 2515  2517     1      0.1470   8.7100e+06
 2516  2517     1       0.1470   8.7100e+06
 2517  2518     1       0.1470   8.7100e+06
 2518  2519     1       0.1530   7.1500e+06
 2519  2520     1       0.1430   8.1800e+06
 2520  2521     1       0.1610   4.8400e+06

[ pairs ]
;  ai    aj funct            c0            c1            c2            c3
    1     8     1
    1     9     1
    1    10     1
    1    22     1
    1    23     1
    2     6     1
    2     7     1
    2    21     1
    3     6     1
    3     7     1
    3    21     1
    4     6     1
    4     7     1
    4    21     1
    5    11     1
    5    13     1
[ angles ]
;  ai    aj    ak funct            c0            c1
c2            c3
;angles for protein atoms
   2     1     3     1
    2     1     4     1
    2     1     5     1
    3     1     4     1
    3     1     5     1
    4     1     5     1
    1     5     6     1
    1     5     7     1
    1     5    21     1
    6     5     7     1
    6     5    21     1
;angles for lipid atoms
2514  2517  2515     1        109.50   520.00
 2514  2517  2516     1        109.50   520.00
 2514  2517  2518     1        109.50   520.00
 2515  2517  2516     1       109.50   520.00
 2515  2517  2518     1        109.50   520.00
 2516  2517  2518     1        109.50   520.00
 2517  2518  2519     1        111.00   530.00
 2518  2519  2520     1        111.00   530.00
 2519  2520  2521     1        120.00   530.00
 2520  2521  2522     1        109.60   450.00
[ dihedrals ]
;  ai    aj    ak    al funct            c0            c1
c2            c3            c4            c5
;For protein
  2     1     5     6     3
    2     1     5     7     3
    2     1     5    21     3
   23    25    27    30     3    dih_ARG_chi1_N_C_C_C
   45    25    27    30     3    dih_ARG_chi1_C_C_C_CO
;For lipids
2516  2517  2518  2519     3    1      0.00     3.77    3
 2514  2517  2518  2519     3
 2515  2517  2518  2519     3
 2517  2518  2519  2520     3    1      0.00     8.62    3
 2518  2519  2520  2521     3    1      0.00     3.77    3
 2519  2520  2521  2524     3    1      0.00     3.19    3
 2519  2520  2521  2522     3
 2519  2520  2521  2523     3
 2520  2521  2524  2525     3    1      0.00     3.19    3


On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Justin Lemkul <jalem...@vt.edu> wrote:

> On 9/12/13 1:17 PM, Rama Krishna Koppisetti wrote:
>> 1. Did you re-run pdb2gmx after modifying the .rtp file?
>> Yes.. I do run with modified .rtp file but output was same as previous.
>> 2. Have you looked into the [bonds] directive in the .top file that
>> pdb2gmx
>> created to see if anything is out of place?  Every line should have 5
>> entries:
>> [bonds] directive contains only 3 entries for every line.
>> atom_i  atom_j  funct  b0  kb
>> the entries present in [bonds] directive in the  .top file was
>> atom_i  atom_j  funct  c0  c1  c2  c3.
> This format suggests they are actually dihedrals.  Can you provide some
> actual snippets of the .top (just copied and pasted so I can try to make
> sense of this.  There is no reason that the .rtp entry you provided would
> yield this output.
>  These are the some warnings for Zinc and calcium ions for pdb2gmx
>> Warning: Residue ZN264 in chain has different type (Ion) from starting
>> residue PHE100 (Protein).
>> Warning: Residue ZN265 in chain has different type (Ion) from starting
>> residue PHE100 (Protein).
>> Warning: Residue CA266 in chain has different type (Ion) from starting
>> residue PHE100 (Protein).
>> Warning: Residue CA267 in chain has different type (Ion) from starting
>> residue PHE100 (Protein).
>> Warning: Residue CA268 in chain has different type (Ion) from starting
>> residue PHE100 (Protein).
> Not an issue, given your merging scheme.  Normally, pdb2gmx expects only
> atoms belonging to similar chemical entities (protein, nucleic acid, ions,
> etc) to be in separate moleculetypes.
> -Justin
> --
> ==============================**====================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Postdoctoral Fellow
> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
> School of Pharmacy
> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
> University of Maryland, Baltimore
> 20 Penn St.
> Baltimore, MD 21201
> jalemkul@outerbanks.umaryland.**edu <jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu> | 
> (410)
> 706-7441
> ==============================**====================
> --
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