Hi Mark,

Thanks for the quick response,

On 09/09/13 15:45, Mark Abraham wrote:
Sounds worrying :-( Thanks for the detailed report and
trouble-shooting! So far, I can't think of a reason for it.

A couple of suggestions:
* try again with 4.6.3 (at least while trouble-shooting) in case its a fixed bug
I'll test that side by side with 4.6.1 that way we can have both for comparison
* post a representative .mdp file
its below this message the production run is built using tpbconv -extend
on the .tpr built from that .mdp.

* is there anything out of the ordinary in the topology?
I built the residues myself but they're just standard polymer monomer units nothing out of the ordinary.

* if the problem is restart-related and shows up in the drift quickly,
then you can probably find a reproducible case via a job that does
lots of short-interval restarts and saves all the intermediate files -
a (set of) inputs that can reproduce the problem sounds like what we'd
need to diagnose and/or fix anything
I'm already starting to build them will be testing them tomorrow
* does it happen in a non-multi simulation? (or more particularly,
what are you doing with -multi?)
The -multi was used to move the job into a faster queue I've seen it in non -multi jobs
* check .log files for warnings, and that there are none being
suppressed at the grompp stage
There are no errors at grompp stage
I haven't identified any warnings in the mdrun logs but I'm going to have a another look before I'm 100% certain that there aren't any in there but I couldn't see any on a first look through

* see if the group cut-off scheme in 4.6.x shows the same problem

Will do




integrator = md
bd_fric     = 0

dt = 0.002

nsteps = 2500000

comm_mode = linear

nstxout = 100000
nstvout = 100000
nstfout = 0

xtc_grps = P84
nstxtcout = 50000

nstlog = 100000

nstenergy = 50000

pbc = xyz
periodic_molecules = no

ns_type             = grid
nstlist             = 10

rlist = 1.25
optimize_fft = yes
fourier_nx = 128
fourier_ny = 128
fourier_nz = 128

pme_order       = 4
epsilon_r       = 1.0

coulombtype = pme
coulomb-modifier = Potential-shift-Verlet
rcoulomb = 1.2

vdwtype = cut-off
vdw-modifier = Potential-shift-Verlet

rvdw = 1.20

DispCorr = EnerPres

tcoupl = no

nsttcouple = 5

pcoupl = no

constraints = h-bonds

lincs_order = 6
lincs_iter = 2

cutoff-scheme = Verlet
verlet-buffer-drift = -1

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Richard Broadbent
<richard.broadben...@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
Dear All,

I've been analysing a series of long (200 ns) NVE simulations  (md
integrator) on ~93'000 atom systems I ran the simulations in groups of 3
using the -multi option in gromacs v4.6.1 double precision.

Simulations were run with 1 OpenMP thread per MPI process

The simulations were restarted at regular intervals using the following
submission script:


module load fftw xe-gromacs/4.6.1

# Change to the direcotry that the job was submitted from

export NPROC=`qstat -f $PBS_JOBID | grep mppwidth | awk '{print $3}'`
export NTASK=`qstat -f $PBS_JOBID | grep mppnppn  | awk '{print $3}'`

aprun -n $NPROC -N $NTASK mdrun_mpi_d  -deffnm $FILE  -maxh 24 -multi 3
-npme 64 -append -cpi


The first simulation was run with the same script except the mdrun line was

aprun -n $NPROC -N $NTASK mdrun_mpi_d  -deffnm $FILE  -maxh 24 -multi 3
-npme 64


The simulations generally ran and restarted without trouble, however, in
several simulations the energy drift changed radically following the

in one simulation the simulation ran for 50 ns (including one restart) with
a drift of -141.6 +/- 0.1 kJ mol^-1 ns^1
it was restarted then had a drift of +104 +/- 1 kJ mol^-1 ns^1 for 15 ns
then was restarted and continued with a drift of -138 +/- 0.1 kJ mol^-1 ns^1
for a further 50~ns.

The other 2 simulations running in parallel with this calculation through
the -multi option did not experience a change in gradient.

the drifts were calculated by least squares analysis of the output from the
total energy data given by

echo "total" | g_energy_d -f ${FILE}${i}.edr -o total_${FILE}${i}.xvg -xvg

The simulation writes to the edr every 20 ps and the transition is masked by
the expected oscillations in energy due to the integrator on a 2~ns interval
but the change in drift is clear when looking at a 4~ns range centred on the

The hardware used was of the same specification for all jobs (27 cray XE6
nodes (9 nodes per simulation), 32 mpi processes per node)

The simulations use the verlet cut-off scheme
there are H-bond constraints enforced using lincs (order 6, iterations 2)

I can't think what would cause this change in the drift during a restart.
However, I have seen it in simulations run on both an AMD system (cray XE6,
AVX-FMA) and an intel system  (SGI-ice, SSE4.1).

I have some data generated using the same procedure using v4.5.5 and v4.5.7
(different cut-off scheme) and the restarts in that system have not caused
any appreciable changes in the simulation.

Unfortunately I didn't save the checkpoint files used for the restart (I
will in the future). I'm going to try building a new input file from just
before the restart using the trr trajectory data.

Does anyone have any ideas of what might have caused this?

Has anyone seen similar effects?


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