Hi Mark,

I have tried GCC 4.7.1, 4.7.2 and ICC 13 (with and without MKL, my
colleague also tried double precision) compilers, all showed the same

I will add the .mdp file I have used but the problem consists for all input
files my colleagues tried (they had their own input files, independent to
me). For example the first graph is Barnase - Barstar in a large box
(~100,000 atoms, explicit tip3p waters, neutralized and a small amount of
salt, roughly 60-70 atoms of NaCl) and the mdp file used was;
;##################################################### INTEGRATOR
integrator              = md                                ; Molecular
dt                      = 0.002                             ; Timestep (ps)
nsteps                  = 500000                            ; Simulation
duration (timesteps)
nstcomm                 = 1000                              ; Center of
mass motion removal interval (timesteps)
comm-grps               = system                            ; Remove center
of mass motion of system
;###################################################### ENSEMBLE
Pcoupl                  = no                                ; Disable
tcoupl                  = no                                ; Disable
;################################################ BONDED INTERACTIONS
constraints             = hbonds                            ; Disable
constraint_algorithm    = LINCS                             ; Constrain
bonds using LINCS
lincs_iter              = 1                                 ; Number of
LINCS iterations
;############################################### NONBONDED INTERACTIONS
coulombtype             = PME                               ; Switch/PME
long-range electrostatics
fourierspacing          = 0.1
pme_order               = 4
ewald_rtol              = 0.000000001
pbc                     = xyz                               ; Periodic
boundary condition
rcoulomb                = 1.00                              ; Short-range
electrostatic cutoff (nm)
;rcoulomb_switch         = 0.9                               ; Short-range
electrostatic switch cutoff (nm)
vdwtype                 = Switch                            ; Switch van
der Waals interactions
rvdw                    = 0.9                               ; Van der Waals
cutoff (nm)
rvdw_switch             = 0.8                               ; Van der Waals
switch cutoff (nm)
DispCorr                = EnerPres                          ; Long-range
dispersion correction to energy and pressure
ns_type                 = grid                              ; Update
neighbor list using grid
nstlist                 = 10                                ; Neighbor list
update interval (timesteps)
rlist                   = 1.00                              ; Neighbor list
cut-off (nm)
continuation            = yes
;####################################################### OUTPUT
nstlog                  = 500                               ; Energy log
output interval (timesteps)
nstenergy               = 500000                            ; Energy output
interval (timesteps)
nstxout                 = 500000                            ;
Full-resolution trajectory output interval (timesteps)
nstvout                 = 500000                            ;
Full-resolution velocity output interval (timesteps)
nstfout                 = 500000                            ;
Full-resolution force output interval (timesteps)
nstxtcout               = 500                               ;
Reduced-resolution trajectory output interval (timesteps)
xtc-precision           = 10000                             ;
Reduced-resolution trajectory output precision

While the second graph is for EG5 (~130,000 atoms I believe, I don't have
the exact number but I  remember that it's a bigger system than mine, same
water model). I'm unsure what my 3rd colleague tested but had similar
results (his system heated to 400+K) and we didn't share any input files.
All conserved energy fine with SSE instruction set (my results were losing
energy with 1.1kcal/mol.ps)

Ali Sinan Saglam

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Mark Abraham <mark.j.abra...@gmail.com>wrote:

> With what compiler? (e.g. consult mdrun -version) There are many known
> bugs in early point versions of each minor release of gcc, for
> example. This is why the installation instructions stress getting the
> latest version of your compiler.
> Otherwise, what is your .mdp file and simulation system contents?
> Mark
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Ali Sinan Saglam
> <asinansag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have been running some energy conservation tests with GMX4.6.3 and had
> > encountered some issues when using the AVX-256 instruction set.
> >
> > I first noticed that my systems were freezing on a cluster that uses
> > Sandy-bridge CPUs and did not on a different cluster using SSE. After
> > realizing that the problems were not in my configuration and setup I
> > started compiling multiple copies of Gromacs and saw that only the
> AVX-256
> > compiled binaries showed this behavior.
> >
> > After a few colleagues reproduced the same results, I'm now pretty sure
> > this is the case. Two colleagues started completely independently and
> > reproduced the same behavior on 2 different clusters and 2 desktop
> machines
> > (all sandy-brige, in all cases AVX yielded really weird temperatures,
> > sometimes exponential freezing sometimes heating etc.).
> >
> > Gromacs was compiled with -DGMX_CPU_ACCELERATION=AVX or =SSE4.1 (or any
> > version of SSE) and that was the only difference between the two
> binaries.
> > The method of simulation was exactly the same outside of the mdrun that
> was
> > used. The temperature results from my simulations can be seen here;
> > https://www.dropbox.com/s/ul7g0fb4il17wxm/avx_sse_temp.png
> > Another example with a different person reproducing the results;
> > https://www.dropbox.com/s/x7mr3kcgmvd78ie/adam_avx_sse_temp.png
> >
> > Cmake command was;
> > (also tried THREAD_MPI=off, similar results)
> >
> > Also all builds passed regression tests.
> >
> > I just wondered if this is a known problem or are we making a mistake
> while
> > compiling?
> >
> > Best,
> > Ali Sinan Saglam
> > --
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Ali Sinan Saglam
Graduate Student in Chemistry
Chong Lab, Room 338, Eberly Hall
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
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