On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 10:22 PM, HANNIBAL LECTER
<hanniballecte...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not sure what is the problem with using NPT, constraints and
> freezegroups. Unless there is some fundamental issue (which I cannot think
> of) one should in principle be able to run NPT with the CNT system by
> freezing the CNT group.

Frozen atoms do not have velocity, and the energy they would have
acquired in the update step is simply removed. So you get a
discontinuity every time step, because the new configuration did not
evolve from the previous one in a way that could mimic the statistics
of the ensemble with no frozen atoms. Also, there must be net flow of
heat if the temperature is constant in (even just) NVT, so you're not
modelling a normal ensemble at all. Constraints and box-size rescaling
in NPT make things worse. I can't imagine a use case (other than
equilibration of a problematic system) where you could use freeze
groups and believe you were modelling something like real physics.

> I am using sd with LINCS to constraint the bonds.
> However, if md is used with SHAKE the system crashes with segmentation
> fault. Does anyone have any idea as to what could be the problem?

Using freeze groups.


> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 6:40 PM, HANNIBAL LECTER <hanniballecte...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>> Interestingly, removing position restraints does not have much of an
>> impact.
>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Justin Lemkul <jalem...@vt.edu> wrote:
>>> On 8/19/13 11:58 AM, HANNIBAL LECTER wrote:
>>>> I usually use 1.0 for my systems and I get the correct values for the
>>>> temperatures. If I couple it as a system, the low T-CNT yields a
>>>> different
>>>> value than the target 300K.
>>> What about changing the integrator to md?  What happens if you remove
>>> restraints while using sd?
>>> -Justin
>>>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Justin Lemkul <jalem...@vt.edu> wrote:
>>>>> On 8/19/13 11:42 AM, HANNIBAL LECTER wrote:
>>>>>  Thanks Justin.
>>>>>> I am not sure how it is fundamentally incompatible. Especially with
>>>>>> refcoord-scaling = com. Can you please provide with some more input on
>>>>>> that?
>>>>>>  The refcoord-scaling option doesn't matter with frozen groups.
>>>>>  Anything
>>>>> that is frozen, by definition, never has its position updated.  Under
>>>>> the
>>>>> influence of pressure coupling, other particles around the frozen group
>>>>> can
>>>>> have their positions scaled and thus collide with the frozen group,
>>>>> which
>>>>> has remained in its original location.
>>>>>  The outputs are from g_energy.
>>>>>>  OK, good.
>>>>>   Here is the .mdp file.
>>>>>> define             =  -DPOSRES_CNT
>>>>>> constraints         =  all-bonds
>>>>>> pbc                 =  xyz
>>>>>> integrator          =  sd
>>>>>> ld_seed             =   215546
>>>>>> dt                  =  0.002    ; ps !
>>>>>> nsteps              =  50000    ; 50 ns
>>>>>> ;nsteps                     = 125000    ; 250 ps
>>>>>> nstcomm             =  10
>>>>>> nstcalcenergy       =  10
>>>>>> nstxout             =  0
>>>>>> nstxtcout           =  5000 ;every 10 ps
>>>>>> nstvout             =  100
>>>>>> nstfout             =  0
>>>>>> nstlog              =  1000
>>>>>> nstenergy           =  1000
>>>>>> nstlist             =  10
>>>>>> ns_type             =  grid
>>>>>> rlist               =  1.0
>>>>>> vdwtype             =  cut-off
>>>>>> rvdw                =  1.0
>>>>>> coulombtype         =  pme
>>>>>> rcoulomb            =  1.0
>>>>>> fourierspacing      = 0.12
>>>>>> pme_order           = 4
>>>>>> ewald_rtol          = 1e-5
>>>>>> optimize_fft        =  yes
>>>>>> tc-grps             =  Protein CNT SOL
>>>>>> tau_t               =  1.0 1.0 1.0
>>>>> Note that tau_t is the inverse friction constant, not the "normal"
>>>>> coupling constant.  In this case, I don't know what appropriate values
>>>>> are,
>>>>> especially if one of your groups is restrained.  The manual advises a
>>>>> value
>>>>> of 2.0, so at least try that.  Otherwise, try coupling the System as a
>>>>> whole or use a different integrator (i.e., md) to try to figure out the
>>>>> origin of the problem.
>>>>> -Justin
>>>>>   ref_t               =  300.000 300 300
>>>>>> ;freezegrps          = CNT
>>>>>> ;freezedim           = Y Y Y
>>>>>> ; Energy monitoring
>>>>>> energygrps          =  CNT Protein SOL
>>>>>> ; energygrp-excl     = CNT CNT
>>>>>> ; Isotropic pressure coupling is now on
>>>>>> Pcoupl              = Berendsen
>>>>>> refcoord-scaling    = com
>>>>>> Pcoupltype          = isotropic
>>>>>> tau_p               = 5
>>>>>> compressibility     = 4.5e-5
>>>>>> ref_p               = 1.0
>>>>>> gen_vel             =  yes
>>>>>> gen_temp            =   300.000
>>>>>> gen_seed            =    981487
>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Justin Lemkul <jalem...@vt.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 8/19/13 11:32 AM, HANNIBAL LECTER wrote:
>>>>>>>   Hi,
>>>>>>>> I have been performing NPT simulations with CNT, Protein and water.
>>>>>>>> However, when I freeze the CNT, the system crashes with segmentation
>>>>>>>> fault.
>>>>>>>>   That is to be expected.  Frozen atoms and pressure coupling are
>>>>>>> fundamentally incompatible.
>>>>>>>    If I use position restraints, the temperature of the system is
>>>>>>> lower
>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>  what it is expected to be. I am using sd coupling.
>>>>>>>> If I couple the protein, CNT and SOL separately, the temperature of
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> peptide is lower than 300K (~395K) while the temperature of the CNT
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> 157K. The target temperature is 300K in all cases. Can any please
>>>>>>>> explain
>>>>>>>> why such discrepancies are occurring?
>>>>>>>>   Are these temperatures from g_energy or g_traj?  Can you please
>>>>>>>> post a
>>>>>>> full .mdp file?
>>>>>>> -Justin
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ==============================******====================
>>>>>>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>>>>>>> Postdoctoral Fellow
>>>>>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
>>>>>>> School of Pharmacy
>>>>>>> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
>>>>>>> University of Maryland, Baltimore
>>>>>>> 20 Penn St.
>>>>>>> Baltimore, MD 21201
>>>>>>> jalemkul@outerbanks.umaryland.******edu <jalemkul@outerbanks.**
>>>>>>> umaryland.edu 
>>>>>>> <jalemkul@outerbanks.**umaryland.edu<jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu>>>
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>>>>>>> 706-7441
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>>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
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