Dear GROMACS users-

I'd like to remind you all about the 2013 GROMACS USA Workshop and
Conference at the University of Virginia Sept 13th-15th.  There are
still registration slots available, but the early registration
deadline of Aug 22nd is coming up in just a few days; after the 22nd,
the registration price will rise from the very low $60 for the two day
conference to the moderately-low-but-why-pay-more $95.

As mentioned in previous emails to the list, the workshop and
conference will consist of two days of tutorials, discussions of
future plans for GROMACS, face time with many of the main GROMACS
developers, plenary software and application sessions, and an optional
last day of development planning to which attendees are also invited
to help influence the future directions of GROMACS.

Please visit for
registration and for much more information about the workshop,
including travel logistics. The website was also recently has been
updated with more specifics about the program.

For specific questions about registering or logistics after visiting
the website, please write to

The 2013 GROMACS USA Workshop and Conference Steering Committee
Michael Shirts (chair)
Angel Garcia
Berk Hess
Yu-Shan Lin
Erik Lindahl
Peter Kasson
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