On 7/16/13 11:05 AM, Sainitin Donakonda wrote:
Hi all,
I have 3 protein-drug complexes (same protein and different drugs) i
performed 20 ns molecular dynamics simulation..using same parameters (i
mean energy minimzation parameters) ..2 of them was successful for MD
simulation..(im using Charmm 27 Force field)
But 1 drug protein complex is failed in Energy minimization step itself..
showing following error
*Error : whole protein drug complex
*708 particles communicated to PME node 2 are more than 2/3 times the
cut-off out of the domain decomposition cell of their charge group in
dimension x.*
*This usually means that your system is not well equilibrated
Then i looked up http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Terminology/Blowing_Up
In this i followed up suggestions which are mentioned in diagnosing
unstable system as follows.
First i did energy minimization for protein alone which worked perfectly
with out any error.
Second i did energy minimization for ligand alone (with out protein)..this
showed again following error..
Error 2 : Ligand only
Fatal error:
*184 particles communicated to PME node 2 are more than 2/3 times the
cut-off out of the domain decomposition cell of their charge group in
dimension x.
This usually means that your system is not well equilibrated.*
So there is problem with small molecule...not with the protein ..here i
think i should tune parameters in .MDP file..which i m just not getting how
to do..
here is the EM.mdp file..
title = Minimization ; Title of run
define = -DFLEX_TI3P ; defines to pass to the
constraints = none
; 7.3.3 Run Control
integrator = steep ; steepest descents energy
nsteps = 2000 ; maximum number of steps to
energygrps = LIG ; group(s) to write to energy file
; 7.3.5 Energy Minimization
emtol = 1000 ; [kJ/mol/nm] minimization is
converged when max force is < emtol
emstep = 0.01 ; [nm] initial step-size
dt = 0.01
; 7.3.9 Neighbor Searching
nstlist = 1 ; [steps] freq to update neighbor
nstxout = 1
ns_type = grid ; method of updating neighbor list
pbc = xyz ; periodic boundary conditions in
all directions
rlist = 1.2 ; [nm] cut-off distance for the
short-range neighbor list
rlistlong = 1.4 ; [nm] Cut-off distance from the
long-range neighbor list
; 7.3.10 Electrostatics
coulombtype = PME ; Particle-Mesh Ewald electrostatics
rcoulomb = 1.2 ; [nm] distance for Coulomb cut-off
; 7.3.11 VdW
vdwtype = switch ; twin-range cut-off with rlist
where rvdw >= rlist
rvdw = 1.2 ; [nm] distance for LJ cut-off
rvdw_switch = 0.2 ; Start switching th LJ potential
DispCorr = Ener ; apply long range dispersion
corrections for energy
; 7.3.13 Ewald
fourierspacing = 0.12 ; [nm] grid spacing for FFT grid
when using PME
fourier_nx = 0
fourier_ny = 0
fourier_nz = 0
pme_order = 4 ; interpolation order for PME, 4 =
ewald_rtol = 1e-5 ; relative strength of
Ewald-shifted potential at rcoulomb
optimize_fft = yes
Can any body please tell me how to optimize these parameters
The value of rvdw_switch should be 1.0 for correct usage of the force field.
One should not seek to "optimize" the .mdp settings when something is crashing.
Fixing errors (like rvdw_switch here) is one thing, but beyond that you
shouldn't do any adjusting. More often than not, in a case like yours where a
molecule in vacuo blows up, the topology is the problem.
Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
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