Ok, the redmine is filled up and anybody who has time to help finding the issue 
is welcome :) I can't do much more!

As an alternative a colleague suggested that I could potentially get around the 
problem by using a compilation combining Open-MP or thread-MPI for each replica 
running on one node (shared memory=no need of decomposition) and MPI across 
Would it work? 

But I might have a problem, the CG uses shifted potentials and they seem not to 
be implemented with OpenMP and thread-MPI is not compatible with MPI … 

Any other solution one could imagine?


On May 9, 2013, at 1:01 PM, XAvier Periole <x.peri...@rug.nl> wrote:

> I finally could reproduce the problem in gmx461 and have fled up a red mine 
> report. 
> I hope we can fix this easily but I am not sure how things go go from now! 
> Someone will get the bug assigned and fix it when ever possible or something 
> else?
> Thank you all for the help,
> XAvier.
> On May 2, 2013, at 10:15 PM, XAvier Periole <x.peri...@rug.nl> wrote:
>> I'll look at the 4.6.1 version next week, I could install it but I got a 
>> conflict between the environmental variable defining openMP variable but I 
>> turned it off during compilation … 
>> You could try to run on particle decomposition to see if you get a problem … 
>> it should one quite quick.
>> On May 2, 2013, at 2:36 PM, Michael Shirts <mrshi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Both.  So if 4.6.1 doesn't work, I want to know so we can patch it
>>> before 4.6.2 comes out.  If it does work, then there is probably stuff
>>> that can be backported.
>>> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 8:32 AM, XAvier Periole <x.peri...@rug.nl> wrote:
>>>> You mean working with or working on the code?
>>>> I'll try gmx-4.6.1
>>>> On May 2, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Michael Shirts <mrshi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Quick check here -- is 4.6 behaving correctly?  I actually spent some
>>>>> time working on REMD in 4.6, and it seems to be behaving  correctly in
>>>>> my hands with temperature and pressure control.
>>>>> Thanks for any additional info on this!
>>>>> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 8:18 AM, Mark Abraham <mark.j.abra...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 12:58 PM, XAvier Periole <x.peri...@rug.nl> wrote:
>>>>>>> I saw that redmine report, which could be related but it seems to happen
>>>>>>> only for runs done outside the domain and particle decompositions.
>>>>>>> I'll fill up a red mine.
>>>>>>> Anything I could do to help speeding the fix?
>>>>>> What'd be really nice is some thought on how one can demonstrate that the
>>>>>> implementation of the exchange matches what would be expected from the
>>>>>> theory. For T-exchange under NVT, it is sufficient to rescale velocities
>>>>>> and quantities derived from them by the correct factor. That includes
>>>>>> various things like T-coupling history and integrator half-step 
>>>>>> quantities
>>>>>> (and does REMD with leap-frog make sense anyway?). For NPT, there's
>>>>>> probably also some P-coupling quantities to scale, and the box to 
>>>>>> exchange.
>>>>>> Anything I've missed? Hopefully virial contributions don't matter either
>>>>>> way?
>>>>>> Perhaps a decent first step is to hack the code to do a "self exchange," 
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> clearing the entire state and rebuilding with what would/should be 
>>>>>> received
>>>>>> from an exchange with a hypothethetical replica in an identical
>>>>>> pre-exchange state. Only if the code can do that (i.e. mdrun -reprod
>>>>>> produces a trajectory indistinguishable from a run that does not attempt
>>>>>> this self exchange) is it worth considering proper state exchanges, and 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> process of making the code do the former should illustrate what is 
>>>>>> required
>>>>>> for the latter.
>>>>>> Mark
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