Thanks a lot for your answer.
So by increasing the z coordinate after solvated the system we induce
creation of a empty space above the solvated box.
After minimisation a few water molecules move above its new empty space
because their link are not strong enough.

2013/5/13 Justin Lemkul <>

> On 5/13/13 8:01 AM, Nawel Mele wrote:
>> So we just compute an interface vacuum-water like the picture in attach in
>> increase the coordinate value of the z-axis of the box?
> The list does not accept attachments.  If you want to post an image or
> file, provide a public link to access it.
>  BUt I don't understand how just like that we creat an empty place and
>> water
>> move to this place??
> Seems like intuitive behavior to me.  Think about basic physics and
> thermodynamics.
> -Justin
>> 2013/5/13 Justin Lemkul <>
>>> On 5/13/13 6:10 AM, Nawel Mele wrote:
>>>  Hi all,
>>>> I am performing a simulation of protein at air/water interface.
>>>> For create an air-water interface I just expand the box in the z
>>>> direction.
>>>> So,aAfter minimization we can noticed that water molecules moved out of
>>>> bulk water in the z direction.
>>>> Why you just need to expand the z-axis for obtain this interface?? I
>>>> don't
>>>> understand the mechanism.
>>>>  You're not creating an air-water interface by doing this, you're
>>> creating
>>> an vacuum-water interface and your water molecules are evaporating into
>>> the
>>> empty space.
>>> -Justin
>>> --
>>> ==============================****==========
>>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>>> Research Scientist
>>> Department of Biochemistry
>>> Virginia Tech
>>> Blacksburg, VA
>>> jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
>>> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.****<>
>>> <h**ttp://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.**edu/Pages/Personal/justin<>
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> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Research Scientist
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> Virginia Tech
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*Mlle* Mele Nawel
Master 2 In Silico Drug Design
University of Paris Diderot/Strasbourg
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