Thank you very much

On 2 May 2013 22:00, Justin Lemkul <> wrote:

> On 5/2/13 8:57 AM, Souilem Safa wrote:
>> Thank you for your quick answer
>> I have joined here my mdp file and the toplogy one also.
> The mailing list does not accept attachments.  Please copy and paste the
> text into an email.  We may not need the whole topology, but a description
> of what you're working with is important.  If you are using some novel
> molecule for which you've generated parameters, those can be a source of
> problems.
>  Should I increase the time step? I'm sorry I'm new in MD
> Increasing the timestep in the case of instabilities is the exact opposite
> of what you should do.  Please read the link I posted earlier.
> -Justin
>> On 2 May 2013 21:48, Erik Marklund <> wrote:
>>  You seem to be using a 2 fs time step. It's difficult to achieve stable
>>> integration using 2 fs time steps in vacuum. Please provide more
>>> information about your simulation parameters.
>>> Erik
>>> On 2 May 2013, at 14:40, Souilem Safa <> wrote:
>>>  Dear Gromacs users ,
>>>> I did the simulation of a single molecule in vacum. I have choosed 10 ns
>>>> which corresponds to 5000000 steps. I was checking the .log file
>>> frequently.
>>>> I have noticed that the number of steps from 1938900 didn't increases.
>>>> When I open a new tab with the top option, I see mdrun still existing.
>>>> I have attached here the .log file and also some warnings that I saw
>>>> when
>>>> steps stop at 1938900
>>>> Step 1938969, time 3877.94 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
>>>> relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
>>>> rms 12871303501.643789, max 33207281664.000000 (between atoms 3 and 6)
>>>> bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
>>>> atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
>>>>      46     47   98.8    0.1406 3889.8669      0.1000
>>>>      45     46   79.4  10193.8799 10564.2393      0.1440
>>>>      43     44   79.6    0.1033 631.2256      0.1000
>>>>      42     45   80.1  10193.9062 11014.6123      0.1520
>>>>      42     43   93.5    0.1851 4970.4243      0.1440
>>>>      40     41   76.5    0.1009 184.9659      0.1000
>>>>      39     42   90.4    0.1819 5231.5186      0.1520
>>>>      39     40  100.0    0.1502 624.0559      0.1440
>>>>      37     38   97.1    0.1001 592.4050      0.1000
>>>>      36     37   81.4    0.1469 828.7896      0.1430
>>>>      35     39   88.6    0.1742 8071.4395      0.1520
>>>>      35     36   94.7    0.1861 8093.3452      0.1530
>>>>      35     34   92.9  8046.3804 17904.5762      0.1440
>>>>      33     45   78.0  26093.2402 332765.5000      0.1520
>>>>      33     34   94.6  26065.5371 330302.5625      0.1440
>>>>      29     30   74.4  190965.5938 1213272.0000      0.1360
>>>>      27     28   91.2  85465.0547 294693.5000      0.1430
>>>>      25     27   85.7  126649.9141 1143663.7500      0.1360
>>>>      25     26  107.7  116051.3750 805165.8125      0.1230
>>>>      24     29  102.8  1939418.3750 1702562.5000      0.1390
>>>>      24     25  101.0  1963544.3750 1402288.3750      0.1390
>>>>      22     23   97.9  345568.0625 1364901.0000      0.1530
>>>>      31     21  109.7  1948370.1250 7003795.5000      0.1390
>>>>      21     22  101.2  2108572.2500 6662917.5000      0.1390
>>>>      20     24   89.4  8876732.0000 68351760.0000      0.1390
>>>>      20     21   89.1  8780558.0000 67941296.0000      0.1390
>>>>      20     19   88.5  39924512.0000 280068256.0000      0.1530
>>>>      17     19   92.9  371385600.0000 509824768.0000      0.1530
>>>>      17     18   96.4  394707616.0000 358144416.0000      0.1230
>>>>      17     16   90.0  446916736.0000 883243840.0000      0.1360
>>>>      15     16   98.9  1051905920.0000 370290400.0000      0.1430
>>>>      14     15  100.8  520221760.0000 522257472.0000      0.1530
>>>>      13     14  128.2  1139173888.0000 3275473920.0000      0.1390
>>>>      13     11  155.0  2786396928.0000 3396753920.0000      0.1390
>>>>      11     12  151.7  1220930176.0000 2911329792.0000      0.1090
>>>>       9     11  161.5  369404096.0000 3428640000.0000      0.1390
>>>>       9     10  135.8  2190610944.0000 1502276608.0000      0.1090
>>>>       7      8   91.7  148944928.0000 1389486464.0000      0.1000
>>>>       6      9  150.6  497182528.0000 4613532672.0000      0.1390
>>>>       6      7  168.3  1652069120.0000 3562507776.0000      0.1360
>>>>       4      5  165.5  55138408.0000 449667456.0000      0.1000
>>>>       3      6  169.0  1702803200.0000 4615812096.0000      0.1390
>>>>       3      4  124.7  198457328.0000 2500093184.0000      0.1360
>>>>      13      1  158.1  1042088320.0000 3730094848.0000      0.1390
>>>> Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
>>>> Please I need your help what should I do in this case?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Safa
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> ==============================**==========
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Research Scientist
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
> jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.**<>
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