PS: If you have fftw in the standard location it should be picked up by
cmake; otherwise, -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local should work as well.


On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 9:21 PM, Szilárd Páll <>wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the detailed information!
> The only reason why cygwin is cumbersome is that we are not testing it
> actively, have we had a developer or contributor working with cygwin there
> would be no issues.
> In any case, especially because there is performance involved, we should
> try to get the AVX issue solved. First and foremost, would you mind filing
> a redmine issue on the issue (or if you consider the dll problem annoying,
> feel free to file a second one).
> However, before filing the AVX bug report, please try the following:
> - A newer gcc, preferably 4.7; although in *nix 4.5 seems to work with
> AVX, it's best if we have things tested with the latest gcc.
> - SSE4.1 acceleration; beside that this should be faster than SSE2, but if
> that doesn't work either something is seriously broken.
> If you manage to get performance numbers with the above, please provide
> them, here for the sake of completeness. I would be surprised if VS2010
> would outperform gcc 4.7, though.
> Cheers,
> --
> Szilárd
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 8:31 PM, Mirco Wahab <
>> wrote:
>> Out of curiosity, I installed cygwin  1.7.17-1 on my AMD/FX-8350
>> workplace box (W8Pro/x64). This is what I found out:
>> - Gromacs 4.6 compiles smooth but crashes w/native(AVX_128) on
>>    simulation start with loads of fp errors (non-reproducible,
>>    sometimes stops w/no error at all, just stops)
>> - Gromacs 4.6 runs fine if compiled w/GMX_CPU_ACCELERATION=SSE2,
>>    even if PME involved (see below)
>> - Gromacs shared executables (runtime-dlls) didn't start due to
>>    some erratic dlopen problems with I didn't understand. By
>>    using GMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=ON, this was solved
>> I testet a "Martini"-system of ~1 Mio particles (a 50^3nm water
>> box with a vesicle). Performance comparison:
>>   VS2010(x64)      - md/cut-off/Reaction-Field : 37.460 ns/day
>>   cygwin/gcc 4.5.3 - md/cut-off/Reaction-Field : 30.304 ns/day
>>   VS2010(x64)      - md/cut-off/PME : 10.874 ns/day
>>   cygwin/gcc 4.5.3 - md/cut-off/PME :  9.283 ns/day
>> The fftw3f used was installed before from source. I'll attach
>> a recipe for both builds and some more hints below.
>> Resumé: cygwin installation of Gromacs 4.6 is (still) cumbersome
>> and may throw up suprising errors. For windows users, looks much
>> more promising (imho!) to build Gromacs with the Visual Studio
>> compiler (which is, through combination of VS2010 express +
>> SDK 7.1, free of cost).
>> "works on my machine"-instructions: =>
>> --
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