Hi Justin,

Thanks for your reply.

I am able to run it now. I am using the following parameters.
constraints         =  none
integrator          =  md
cutoff-scheme       = Verlet
pbc                 =  xyz
verlet-buffer-drift = -1
dt                  =  0.001
nsteps              =  0
rcoulomb            = 1
rvdw                = 1
rlist               = 1
nstgbradii          = 1
rgbradii            = 1
implicit_solvent    =  GBSA
gb_algorithm        =  HCT ;
sa_algorithm        =  None
gb_dielectric_offset    = 0.02

optimize_fft             = yes
energygrps               = protein

I got the following energy values for this run.
Statistics over 1 steps using 1 frames

   Energies (kJ/mol)
GB Polarization        LJ (SR)   Coulomb (SR)      Potential    Kinetic En.
   -1.52255e+05    5.75419e+08   -2.44085e+05    5.75023e+08    6.36555e+11
   Total Energy    Temperature Pressure (bar)
    6.37130e+11    1.60603e+10    7.90024e+10

On the other hand, when I used gromacs-4.5.3, with the following parameters:
constraints         =  none
integrator          =  md
pbc                 =  no
dt                  =  0.001
nsteps              =  0
rcoulomb            = 300
rvdw                = 300
rlist               = 300
nstgbradii          = 300
rgbradii            = 300
implicit_solvent    =  GBSA
gb_algorithm        =  HCT ;
sa_algorithm        =  None
gb_dielectric_offset    = 0.02

optimize_fft             = yes
energygrps               = protein
I got the following energy values:

  Energies (kJ/mol)
GB Polarization        LJ (SR)   Coulomb (SR)      Potential    Kinetic En.
   -1.58040e+04    0.00000e+00   -2.42022e+05   -2.57826e+05    0.00000e+00
   Total Energy    Temperature Pressure (bar)
   -2.57826e+05    0.00000e+00    0.00000e+00

You can see that there is a huge difference (10 times), in these two
energy values!

How can I get a similar value that I was receiving previously (i.e.,
-1.58040e+04)? The previous energy was correct, while the current
value is 10 times more than the previous one.

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 8:55 AM, Justin Lemkul <jalem...@vt.edu> wrote:
> On 2/27/13 8:53 AM, jesmin jahan wrote:
>> Thanks Crasten for your reply.
>> Even after removing comment, I am getting the same error message.
> You need to re-create the .tpr file after modifying the .mdp file.  If
> you're getting the same error, you're using the wrong .tpr file.
>> Do you have any sample .mdp file that can be used while using MPI+OPENMP?
>> I am trying to compute the GB energy (implicit solvent based).
> Note that implicit solvent calculations can be run on no more than 2
> processors.  You'll get a fatal error if you try to use more.
> -Justin
>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 2:59 AM, Carsten Kutzner <ckut...@gwdg.de> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 6:55 AM, jesmin jahan <shraba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Gromacs Users,
>>>> I am trying to run the following command on gromacs 4.6
>>>> mdrun -ntmpi 2 -ntomp 6 -s imd.tpr
>>>> But I am getting the following error
>>>> OpenMP threads have been requested with cut-off scheme Group, but
>>>> these are only supported with cut-off scheme Verlet
>>>> Does any one know a solution to the problem?
>>>> I am using the following .mdp file
>>>> constraints         =  none
>>>> integrator          =  md
>>>> ;cutoff-scheme       = Verlet
>>> yes, as the note says, use the verlet cutoff scheme (by deleting the ";")
>>> Carsten
>>>> pbc                 =  no
>>>> dt                  =  0.001
>>>> nsteps              =  0
>>>> rcoulomb            = 300
>>>> rvdw                = 300
>>>> rlist               = 300
>>>> nstgbradii          = 300
>>>> rgbradii            = 300
>>>> implicit_solvent    =  GBSA
>>>> gb_algorithm        =  HCT ;
>>>> sa_algorithm        =  None
>>>> gb_dielectric_offset    = 0.02
>>>> ;optimize_fft             = yes
>>>> energygrps               = protein
>>>> Please let me know what to change so that it runs perfectly!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jesmin
>>>> --
>>>> Jesmin Jahan Tithi
>>>> PhD Student, CS
>>>> Stony Brook University, NY-11790.
>>>> --
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>>> --
>>> Dr. Carsten Kutzner
>>> Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
>>> Theoretical and Computational Biophysics
>>> Am Fassberg 11, 37077 Goettingen, Germany
>>> Tel. +49-551-2012313, Fax: +49-551-2012302
>>> http://www.mpibpc.mpg.de/grubmueller/kutzner
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> --
> ========================================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Research Scientist
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
> ========================================
> --
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Jesmin Jahan Tithi
PhD Student, CS
Stony Brook University, NY-11790.
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