Thanks Justin, I'm gonna take your advice.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Justin Lemkul <> wrote:

> On 2/14/13 9:40 AM, David Sáez wrote:
>> Erik, thanks for your answer. I typed "which mdrun" and I got this output:
>> *~$ which mdrun*
>> */usr/local/gromacs/bin/mdrun*
>> Then, I typed just "mdrun" and I got this:
>> *~$ mdrun*
>> *                       *
>> *  :-)  G  R  O  M  A  C  S  (-:*
>> *
>> *
>> *                  Green Red Orange Magenta Azure Cyan Skyblue*
>> *
>> *
>> *                             :-)  VERSION 4.6  (-:*
>> *
>> *
>> *        Contributions from Mark Abraham, Emile Apol, Rossen Apostolov, *
>> *           Herman J.C. Berendsen, Aldert van Buuren, Pär Bjelkmar,  *
>> *     Rudi van Drunen, Anton Feenstra, Gerrit Groenhof, Christoph
>> Junghans,
>> *
>> *        Peter Kasson, Carsten Kutzner, Per Larsson, Pieter Meulenhoff, *
>> *           Teemu Murtola, Szilard Pall, Sander Pronk, Roland Schulz, *
>> *                Michael Shirts, Alfons Sijbers, Peter Tieleman,*
>> *
>> *
>> *               Berk Hess, David van der Spoel, and Erik Lindahl.*
>> *
>> *
>> *       Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The
>> Netherlands.*
>> *         Copyright (c) 2001-2012,2013, The GROMACS development team at*
>> *        Uppsala University & The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.*
>> *            check out for more information.*
>> *
>> *
>> *         This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or*
>> *       modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
>> License*
>> *        as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1*
>> *             of the License, or (at your option) any later version.*
>> *
>> *
>> *                                :-)  mdrun  (-:*
>> *
>> *
>> *Option     Filename  Type         Description*
>> *-----------------------------**------------------------------**-*
>> *  -s      topol.tpr  Input        Run input file: tpr tpb tpa*
>> *  -o       traj.trr  Output       Full precision trajectory: trr trj cpt*
>> *  -x       traj.xtc  Output, Opt. Compressed trajectory (portable xdr
>> format)*
>> *-cpi      state.cpt  Input, Opt.  Checkpoint file*
>> *-cpo      state.cpt  Output, Opt. Checkpoint file*
>> *  -c    confout.gro  Output       Structure file: gro g96 pdb etc.*
>> *  -e       ener.edr  Output       Energy file*
>> *  -g         md.log  Output       Log file*
>> *-dhdl      dhdl.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> *-field    field.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> *-table    table.xvg  Input, Opt.  xvgr/xmgr file*
>> *-tabletf    tabletf.xvg  Input, Opt.  xvgr/xmgr file*
>> *-tablep  tablep.xvg  Input, Opt.  xvgr/xmgr file*
>> *-tableb   table.xvg  Input, Opt.  xvgr/xmgr file*
>> *-rerun    rerun.xtc  Input, Opt.  Trajectory: xtc trr trj gro g96 pdb
>> cpt*
>> *-tpi        tpi.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> *-tpid   tpidist.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> * -ei        sam.edi  Input, Opt.  ED sampling input*
>> * -eo      edsam.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> *  -j       wham.gct  Input, Opt.  General coupling stuff*
>> * -jo        bam.gct  Output, Opt. General coupling stuff*
>> *-ffout      gct.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> *-devout   deviatie.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> *-runav  runaver.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> * -px      pullx.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> * -pf      pullf.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> * -ro   rotation.xvg  Output, Opt. xvgr/xmgr file*
>> * -ra  rotangles.log  Output, Opt. Log file*
>> * -rs   rotslabs.log  Output, Opt. Log file*
>> * -rt  rottorque.log  Output, Opt. Log file*
>> *-mtx         nm.mtx  Output, Opt. Hessian matrix*
>> * -dn     dipole.ndx  Output, Opt. Index file*
>> *-multidir    rundir  Input, Opt., Mult. Run directory*
>> *-membed  membed.dat  Input, Opt.  Generic data file*
>> * -mp  Input, Opt.  Topology file*
>> * -mn     membed.ndx  Input, Opt.  Index file*
>> *
>> *
>> *Option       Type   Value   Description*
>> *-----------------------------**-------------------------*
>> *-[no]h       bool   no      Print help info and quit*
>> *-[no]version bool   no      Print version info and quit*
>> *-nice        int    0       Set the nicelevel*
>> *-deffnm      string         Set the default filename for all file
>> options*
>> *-xvg         enum   xmgrace  xvg plot formatting: xmgrace, xmgr or none*
>> *-[no]pd      bool   no      Use particle decompostion*
>> *-dd          vector 0 0 0   Domain decomposition grid, 0 is optimize*
>> *-ddorder     enum   interleave  DD node order: interleave, pp_pme or
>> cartesian*
>> *-npme        int    -1      Number of separate nodes to be used for PME,
>> -1
>> *
>> *                            is guess*
>> *-nt          int    0       Total number of threads to start (0 is
>> guess)*
>> *-ntmpi       int    0       Number of thread-MPI threads to start (0 is
>> guess)*
>> *-ntomp       int    0       Number of OpenMP threads per MPI
>> process/thread
>> *
>> *                            to start (0 is guess)*
>> *-ntomp_pme   int    0       Number of OpenMP threads per MPI
>> process/thread
>> *
>> *                            to start (0 is -ntomp)*
>> *-pin         enum   auto    Fix threads (or processes) to specific
>> cores:*
>> *                            auto, on or off*
>> *-pinoffset   int    0       The starting logical core number for pinning
>> to
>> *
>> *                            cores; used to avoid pinning threads from*
>> *                            different mdrun instances to the same core*
>> *-pinstride   int    0       Pinning distance in logical cores for
>> threads,*
>> *                            use 0 to minimize the number of threads per*
>> *                            physical core*
>> *-gpu_id      string         List of GPU id's to use*
>> *-[no]ddcheck bool   yes     Check for all bonded interactions with DD*
>> *-rdd         real   0       The maximum distance for bonded interactions
>> with*
>> *                            DD (nm), 0 is determine from initial
>> coordinates*
>> *-rcon        real   0       Maximum distance for P-LINCS (nm), 0 is
>> estimate*
>> *-dlb         enum   auto    Dynamic load balancing (with DD): auto, no or
>> yes*
>> *-dds         real   0.8     Minimum allowed dlb scaling of the DD cell
>> size
>> *
>> *-gcom        int    -1      Global communication frequency*
>> *-nb          enum   auto    Calculate non-bonded interactions on: auto,
>> cpu,*
>> *                            gpu or gpu_cpu*
>> *-[no]tunepme bool   yes     Optimize PME load between PP/PME nodes or
>> *-[no]testverlet bool   no      Test the Verlet non-bonded scheme*
>> *-[no]v       bool   no      Be loud and noisy*
>> *-[no]compact bool   yes     Write a compact log file*
>> *-[no]seppot  bool   no      Write separate V and dVdl terms for each*
>> *                            interaction type and node to the log file(s)*
>> *-pforce      real   -1      Print all forces larger than this (kJ/mol
>> nm)*
>> *-[no]reprod  bool   no      Try to avoid optimizations that affect
>> binary*
>> *                            reproducibility*
>> *-cpt         real   15      Checkpoint interval (minutes)*
>> *-[no]cpnum   bool   no      Keep and number checkpoint files*
>> *-[no]append  bool   yes     Append to previous output files when
>> continuing
>> *
>> *                            from checkpoint instead of adding the
>> simulation*
>> *                            part number to all file names*
>> *-nsteps      int    -2      Run this number of steps, overrides .mdp
>> file*
>> *                            option*
>> *-maxh        real   -1      Terminate after 0.99 times this time (hours)*
>> *-multi       int    0       Do multiple simulations in parallel*
>> *-replex      int    0       Attempt replica exchange periodically with
>> this
>> *
>> *                            period (steps)*
>> *-nex         int    0       Number of random exchanges to carry out each*
>> *                            exchange interval (N^3 is one suggestion).
>>   -nex*
>> *                            zero or not specified gives neighbor replica*
>> *                            exchange.*
>> *-reseed      int    -1      Seed for replica exchange, -1 is generate a
>> seed*
>> *-[no]ionize  bool   no      Do a simulation including the effect of an
>> X-Ray*
>> *                            bombardment on your system*
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *Back Off! I just backed up md.log to ./#md.log.6#*
>> *
>> *
>> *-----------------------------**--------------------------*
>> *Program mdrun, VERSION 4.6*
>> *Source code file: /home/david/Descargas/gromacs-**
>> 4.6/src/gmxlib/gmxfio.c,
>> line: 524*
>> *
>> *
>> *Can not open file:*
>> *topol.tpr*
>> *For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the
>> *
>> *website at 
>> *-----------------------------**--------------------------*
>> *
>> *
>> *"If I Were You I Would Give Me a Break" (F. Black)*
>> *
>> *
>> As you can see, there is a problem with topol.tpr, I tried* to find it
>> manually, but it is not in the computer's hard disk.*
>> *
>> *
>> *Thanks in advance.*
> All Gromacs programs have default file names that they use if you don't
> specify them otherwise (note that they're all listed in the above screen
> output).  mdrun requires a .tpr file as input to tell it what to do.  You
> didn't give an explicit file name for it to use, so it tried to use the
> default, which doesn't exist.  Please do some basic tutorial material to
> familiarize yourself with a proper workflow and normal command usage.
> -Justin
> --
> ==============================**==========
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Research Scientist
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
> jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.**<>
> ==============================**==========
> --
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David A. Sáez San Martín
Concepción, Chile
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