Please keep the discussion on the gmx-users mailing list.
On 12/11/12 5:12 PM, Milinda Samaraweera wrote:
Hi Justin
error is
Could only find a forcefield type for 0 out of 2808 atoms
I attached my input files, and I checked .gro for errors. cant find any
I don't exactly know what you've checked, but I think the problem is what I
suggested before - your .gro file specifies atom types instead of valid names.
Your .n2t file cannot match anything.
Milinda Samaraweera
University of Connecticut
Department of Chemistry
55 N Eagleville road
unit 3060
Storrs CT
*From:* Justin Lemkul <>
*To:* Milinda Samaraweera <>; Discussion list for GROMACS
users <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4:59 PM
*Subject:* Re: [gmx-users] g_x2top help
On 12/11/12 4:40 PM, Milinda Samaraweera wrote:
> Hi Gromacs users
> I have a problem Im trying to form a .top file using a g_x2top -f -o -ff
command. I have defined .n2t .rtp .itp files. and wanted to construct a topology
file. but the script does not identify any of the atoms from .gro file.
> my .n2t file
> ; clayff
> ; n2t
> H h* 0.4100 1.008 1 O 0.100 ;water hydrogen
> H ho 0.4250 1.008 1 O 0.100 ;hydrxyl hydrogen
> O o* -0.8200 15.998 2 H 0.100 H 0.100 ;water oxygen
> O oh -0.9500 15.998 1 H 0.100 ;hydroxyl oxygen
> O ob -1.0500 15.998 0 ;bridging oxygen
> O obos -1.1808 15.998 0 ;bridging oxygen with
octahedral substitution
> O obts -1.1688 15.998 0 ;bridging oxygen with
tetrahedral substitution
> O obss -1.2996 15.998 0 ;bridging oxygen with double
> O ohs -1.0808 15.998 1 H 0.100 ;hydroxyl hydrogen with
> Si st 2.1000 28.086 0 ;tetrahedral silicon
> Al ao 1.5750 26.982 0 ;octahedral aluminium
> Al at 1.5750 26.982 0 ;tetrahedral aluminium
> Mg mgo 1.3600 24.305 0 ; octahedral magnisium
> Na Na 1.0000 22.999 0 ;sodium ion
> my.itp file
> ;
> ;
> [ defaults ]
> ; nbfunc comb-rule gen-pairs fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
> 1 3 yes 0.5 0.5
> ; parameters are taken from the clay force field
> [ atomtypes ]
> ; The charges here will be overwritten by those in the rtp file
> ; name mass charge ptype sigma eps
> h* 1 1.00800 0.4100 A 0.00000e-01 0.00000e-01
> ho 1 1.00800 0.4250 A 0.00000e-01 0.00000e-01
> o* 8 15.99800 -0.8200 A 3.16557e-01 6.50209e-01
> oh 8 15.99800 -0.9500 A 3.16557e-01 6.50209e-01
> ob 8 15.99800 -1.0500 A 3.16557e-01 6.50209e-01
> obos 8 15.99800 -1.1808 A 3.16557e-01 6.50209e-01
> obts 8 15.99800 -1.1688 A 3.16557e-01 6.50209e-01
> ohs 8 15.99800 -1.0808 A 3.16557e-01 6.50209e-01
> st 14 28.08600 2.1000 A 3.30208e-01 8.0e-06
> ao 13 26.98200 1.5750 A 4.27128e-01 6.0e-06
> at 13 26.98200 1.5750 A 3.30206e-01 8.0e-06
> mgo 12 24.30500 1.3600 A 5.26437e-01 4.0e-06
> Na 11 22.999 1.0000 A 1.89744e-01 6.72427e-01
> [ bondtypes ]
> ; i j func b0 kb
> oh ho 1 0.10000 463711.2 ; O-H
> ohs ho 1 0.10000 463711.2 ; O-H
> o* h* 1 0.10000 463711.2 ; O-H
> [ angletypes ]
> ao oh ho 1 109.470 251.046 ; angle Al-O-H
> mgo ohs ho 1 109.470 251.046 ; angle Mg-O-H
> h* o* h* 1 109.470 383.009 ; angle H-O-H
> [ dihedraltypes ]
> my .gro file
> 1Created by VESTA
> 2808
> Clay ao 1 0.005 0.564 -0.021
> Clay ao 2 -0.602 0.564 3.099
> Clay ao 3 4.226 0.564 -0.021
> Clay ao 4 3.620 0.564 3.099
> Clay st 5 0.178 0.254 0.256
> Clay ob 6 0.175 0.240 0.090
> Clay ob 7 0.201 0.411 0.296
> Clay ob 8 0.037 0.622 0.318
> Clay oh 9 0.192 -0.046 0.090
> Clay oh 10 0.192 3.610 0.090
> Clay ho 11 0.099 -0.046 0.151
> Clay ho 12 0.099 3.610 0.151
> Clay st 13 0.058 0.254 1.263
> Clay ob 14 0.061 0.240 1.429
> Clay ob 15 0.035 0.411 1.222
> Clay ob 16 0.199 0.622 1.200
> Clay oh 17 0.044 -0.046 1.429
> Clay oh 18 0.044 3.610 1.429
> Clay ho 19 0.136 -0.046 1.368
> Clay ho 20 0.136 3.610 1.368
> Clay ao 21 0.005 0.259 -0.021
> Clay ao 22 -0.602 0.259 3.099
> Clay ao 23 4.226 0.259 -0.021
> Clay ao 24 3.620 0.259 3.099
> Clay st 25 0.058 0.568 1.263
> Clay ob 26 0.061 0.582 1.429
> Clay ob 27 0.199 0.200 1.200
> Clay st 28 0.178 0.568 0.256
> Clay ob 29 0.175 0.582 0.090
> Clay ob 30 0.037 0.200 0.318
> Clay ao 31 0.268 0.107 -0.021
> Clay ao 32 -0.338 0.107 3.099
> could any one please let me know what might be the problem
Well what error do you get? There are a number of possible issues, but without
knowing what the problem is, it's all guesswork. Potential issues:
1. In place of atom names in the .gro file, you're using atom types
2. The .gro file does not have residue numbers anywhere (see
Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
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