The phase transition of water from liquid to ice is very hard to observe in MD 
simulations. In the lab you can in fact supercool water for minutes without ice 
forming until you trigger the phase transition by e.g. knocking the beaker or 
add nucleating agents. An MD simulation takes place on timescales that are 
maaaaany orders of magnitude shorter, so obtaining ice in simulations when 
starting form a liquid system seem as likely as winning a billion dollars and 
getting struck by lightning at the same time.

There are water models that nucleate much more easy than in experiments, which 
may be useful for you.



11 nov 2012 kl. 15.53 skrev Ali Alizadeh:

> Dear All users
> I  did simulation of water freezind at low temperature(260 k) so that
> i was hoped to see
> regular structure of ice,
> I used OPLS-AA force field, SPC and 100ns,
> But i can not see the regular structure of ice(i used vmd for
> representation of my simulation)?
> In your opinion, Where did i mistake in my simulation?
> Where did i mistake in my simulation?
> -- 
> Sincerely
> Ali Alizadeh
> -- 
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Erik Marklund, PhD
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