On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 18:09 +0200, Erik Lindahl wrote: 
> Hi,
> First: Let me thank each and every one of you who took the trouble to fill 
> out our user survey. The resulting information is invaluable to us, and Mark 
> Berger of NVIDIA has been a tremendous help in assembling the results and 
> statistics for us. This WILL affect future development, and we are currently 
> preparing some information from it to put online - stay tuned.
> However, there was also an incentive part to it ;-)
> It gives me great pleasure to formally announce the two winners of C2075 
> cards generously donated by NVIDIA through Mark:
> * Florian Dommert, Institute for Computational Physics, University Stuttgart
> * Emmanuel Birru, Monash University, Parkville Campus
> Big congratulations to both winners from the GROMACS & NVIDIA teams, and let 
> me convey a *very* big and special thank-you to Mark Berger for making this 
> possible! 

Thank you very much for this generous gift. If I consider the tiny
amount of time required to complete the survey compared to the effort
you spent in the development of GROMACS it was the least I could do.


> All the best,
> Erik
> --
> Erik Lindahl <e...@kth.se>
> Professor of Theoretical & Computational Biophysics, Royal Institute of 
> Technology
> Professor of Computational Structural Biology, Stockholm University
> Tel:  +46855378029 (KTH) +468164675 (SU)

Florian Dommert
Dipl. - Phys.

Institute for Computational Physics
University Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 27
70569 Stuttgart

EMail: domm...@icp.uni-stuttgart.de
Homepage: http://www.icp.uni-stuttgart.de/~icp/Florian_Dommert

Tel.: +49 - (0)711 - 68563613
Fax.: +49 - (0)711 - 68563658

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