Thanks Mark. I have several polymer chains (single polymer type) each
having 362 atoms. So in order to exclude all nonbonded interactions of
a chain with itself I need to add about 362 lines in the top file.

1 2 3 ....362
2 3 4 ....362
3 4 5 ...362
358 .. 362
360 361 362 (this is not needed even if I have nrexcl=3 in top file)

- I guess I need only the above lines as in top file,

[ molecules ]
; Compound        #mols
Polymer             10

takes care of the exclusions for all other existing chains?

- Do I need to modify mdp file as well? energy_grps ?


On 12 April 2012 20:58, Mark Abraham <> wrote:
> On 13/04/2012 10:44 AM, Juliette N. wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am trying to exclude a nonbonded interactions on the polymer chains
>> using
>> grompp -f old.mdp -c old_em.gro -p -o new.tpr
>> and mdrun -rerun command. but when I issue the command above grompp
>> takes many hours to finish and at the end grompp crashes (Killed).
>> This even leads to some weired hardware problem which gibes failure of
>> node having some CPUs..I mean when I get grompp failure, I am not able
>> to connect to the node anymore and will have to restart the node!
>> grompp gives:
>> Generated 332520 of the 332520 1-4 parameter combinations
>> Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/spc.itp
>> Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ions.itp
>> Excluding 101 bonded neighbours molecule type 'Polymer'
>> Can anyone help me please?
> Justin explained the fundamental reason for the problem. Apparently the
> implementation of the nrexcl=large is not robust with respect to memory
> usage and/or CPU time for large numbers of exclusions. So you will have to
> use energy group exclusions like I suggested earlier in this thread.
> Mark
>> Thanks
>> On 8 April 2012 17:16, Justin A. Lemkul<>  wrote:
>>> Juliette N. wrote:
>>>> On 1 April 2012 20:17, Mark Abraham<>  wrote:
>>>>> On 2/04/2012 10:10 AM, Juliette N. wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I have an enquiry regarding calculation of heat of vaporization by
>>>>>> estimating intermolecular nonbonded energies using mdrun rerun option.
>>>>>> mdrun
>>>>>> -rerun should break the total nonbonded energy coming from nonboded
>>>>>> energy
>>>>>> of (different molecules + a molecule with itself). By setting
>>>>>> appropriate
>>>>>> nrexcl in top file I am trying to exclude nonbonded part of molecule
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> itself within cut off radius so what remains would be intermolecular
>>>>>> nonbonded energy between different molecules which determines heat of
>>>>>> vaporization.
>>>>>> 1) Is this approach correct?
>>>>> For excluding a whole molecule, it could work. For excluding only a
>>>>> part,
>>>>> using energy group exclusions (see manual) is more flexible. Just
>>>>> setting
>>>>> energy groups suitably might work in your case, so that you get the
>>>>> group-wise break-down of nonbonded energy.
>>>>>> 2) If yes, can you please check the way I am applying mdrun rerun:
>>>>>> grompp -p -o total_nonbonded.tpr
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I am a bit confused about whether or not mdp file has to be provided
>>>> for grompp rerun step. In the original run (no mdrun I provide mdp as
>>>> follows:
>>>>            grompp -f old.mdp -c  old_em.gro -p -o
>>>> total_nonbonded.tpr             (GROMPP old)
>>>> then :
>>>>            mdrun -deffnm total_nonbonded -s -o -c -g -e
>>>> Then I update the top file to new nrexcl= new value
>>>> No do I have to provide the old mdp file and old gro file old_em.gro,
>>>> which were used in  (GROMPP old)? that is:
>>>>  (GROMPP new:)       grompp -f old.mdp -c old_em.gro -p
>>>> -o new.tpr
>>>> mpirun –np 4 mdrun_mpi -rerun total_nonbonded.trr  –deffnm new -s -o
>>>> -c -g -e -x
>>>> or I just have to use:
>>>>  grompp   -p -o new.tpr     ( no -c and no -f flag)
>>> You need to provide some .mdp file and configuration.  If you omit -c and
>>> -f, grompp (like any other Gromacs program) will search for the default
>>> names of grompp.mdp and conf.gro.  If they don't exist, grompp will fail.
>>>> My other question is that the grompp with large nrexcl around 100 is
>>>> taking a lot of time, while the default  nrexcl=3 was grompp ed much
>>>> faster. Why excluding bonds in this way is time consuming?
>>> It's going slower because it's doing exponentially more work.
>>> -Justin
>>> --
>>> ========================================
>>> Justin A. Lemkul
>>> Ph.D. Candidate
>>> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>> MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>> Department of Biochemistry
>>> Virginia Tech
>>> Blacksburg, VA
>>> jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080
>>> ========================================
>>> --
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