bipin singh wrote:
Also, if we give continuation=yes in mdp file and use input as pdb file as input instead of gro file, grompp never complains....I don't no how it reads velocities from pdb file (as no velocities are present in pdb files). Ideally it should complain that no velocities found in input file....

Again, the "continuation" keyword has nothing to do with velocities. If you have "gen_vel = no" and you provide a .pdb file with no velocities, then you do not preserve velocity information. Whatever the initial forces are govern the resulting motions. In any case, you do not preserve the previous simulation conditions.


On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 12:42, Peter C. Lai < <>> wrote:

    On 2012-04-06 11:05:51AM +0400, James Starlight wrote:
     > Dear Gromacs users!
     > I have small question about order of the runs and input data.
     > Ussually I do 2 equilibration phases and subsequent productive
    phase in the
     > conditions wich are equal to the last equilibration phase ( e.g
    often this
     > is npt ).
     > In the second equil.mdp and md.mdp there is option
     > continuation             = yes
     > which means that there have been previous phases of the
    simulation from
     > wich  coordinates and velocities should be taken.
     > As I understood the coordinates is taken from .gro file but from
    what file
     > the velocities must be providen ? Does it .cpt checkpoint file from
     > previous run? In some cases I've forgotten to define -t npt.cpt
    for my MD
     > run providing only coordinates in GRO file, topology and md.mdp
    but I have
     > not seen any errors in such simulation due to absence of that
    .cpt and
     > GROMPP never remind me of the absense of this file. What exactly
    is in that
     > .cpt file and from wich source the velocities from equilibration
    phase are
     > taken ?

    continuation = yes is telling LINCS that it is a continuation and
    it should not attempt to refit the constrained bonds on the first pass.

    The coords, velocities, state, and box information are taken either
    from the
    cpt file or you can specify the previous .trr and it will take the
    last frame
    from that and use it. If you used the output gro file without -t, then
    it will take coordinates and velocities from the .gro but the
    problem there
    is the limited precision (3 decimal points for each).

    Peter C. Lai                    | University of Alabama-Birmingham
    Programmer/Analyst              | KAUL 752A
    Genetics, Div. of Research      | 705 South 20th Street <>                     | Birmingham AL
    (205) 690-0808                  |

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Bipin Singh


Justin A. Lemkul
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Virginia Tech
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