mehmet kıytak wrote:
hi Justin... you were right.. my equilibration is ınsufficient...ı increase nsteps ı recieve this message..

Fatal error:
The Z-size of the box (1.957000) times the triclinic skew factor (1.000000) is smaller than the number of DD cells (2) times the smallest allowed cell size (1.000000)

How can ı solve this problem...please help me...

The error is still symptomatic of a crash. Your box is distorting too much and various algorithms (most notably DD) are crashing.


1 Şubat 2012 22:37 tarihinde Justin A. Lemkul < <>> yazdı:

    mehmet kıytak wrote:

        hi justin
        ı used this mdp. file ..simulation box may be wrong.?..ı used
        dodecahedron distance edge 2.0 nm.....

    No, that's almost certainly not the problem.  Insufficient
    minimization/equilibration, or instability due to the use of the
    free energy code is more likely.  You look to be trying to decouple
    the entire system, which could be an unstable process.  You haven't
    said what you're doing, so I won't hazard a guess at this point.
     Please refer to the link I provided and try running without the
    free energy code.  Otherwise, you're (potentially) trying to solve
    several problems at once.


        ; Run control
        integrator               = sd       ; Langevin dynamics
        tinit                    = 0
        dt                       = 0.002
        nsteps                   = 2500000  ; 5 ns
        nstcomm                  = 100
        ; Output control
        nstxout                  = 0
        nstvout                  = 0
        nstfout                  = 0
        nstlog                   = 0
        nstenergy                = 0
        nstxtcout                = 0
        xtc-precision            = 1000
        ; Neighborsearching and short-range nonbonded interactions
        nstlist                  = 10
        ns_type                  = grid
        pbc                      = xyz
        rlist                    = 1.0
        ; Electrostatics
        coulombtype              = PME
        rcoulomb                 = 1.0
        ; van der Waals
        vdw-type                 = switch
        rvdw-switch              = 0.8
        rvdw                     = 0.9
        ; Apply long range dispersion corrections for Energy and Pressure
        DispCorr                  = EnerPres
        ; Spacing for the PME/PPPM FFT grid
        fourierspacing           = 0.12
        ; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters
        pme_order                = 6
        ewald_rtol               = 1e-06
        epsilon_surface          = 0
        optimize_fft             = no
        ; Temperature coupling
        ; tcoupl is implicitly handled by the sd integrator
        tc_grps                  = system
        tau_t                    = 1.0
        ref_t                    = 300
        ; Pressure coupling is on for NPT
        Pcoupl                   = Parrinello-Rahman
        tau_p                    = 0.5
        compressibility          = 4.5e-05
        ref_p                    = 1.0
        ; Free energy control stuff
        free_energy              = yes
        init_lambda              = 0.0
        delta_lambda             = 0
        foreign_lambda           = 0.05
        sc-alpha                 = 0.5
        sc-power                 = 1.0
        sc-sigma                 = 0.3
        couple-moltype           = system  ; name of moleculetype to
        couple-lambda0           = vdw      ; only van der Waals
        couple-lambda1           = none     ; turn off everything, in
        this case only vdW
        couple-intramol          = no
        nstdhdl                  = 10
        ; Do not generate velocities
        gen_vel                  = no
        ; options for bonds
        constraints              = h-bonds  ; we only have C-H bonds here
        ; Type of constraint algorithm
        constraint-algorithm     = lincs
        ; Constrain the starting configuration
        ; since we are continuing from NPT
        continuation             = yes
        ; Highest order in the expansion of the constraint coupling matrix
        lincs-order              = 12

        1 Şubat 2012 19:41 tarihinde Justin A. Lemkul <
        <> <
        <>>> yazdı:

           mehmet kıytak wrote:

               hi all...
               ı have a problem.. ı got segmentation fault when run nvt
               equilibration.. ı use below mdp file

           Please post a complete .mdp file.  The Unix 'cat' command can be
           used to print the contents of the text file, which can then be
           copied and pasted into an email.

               couple-lambda0           = vdw      ; only van der Waals
               couple-lambda1           = none     ; turn off everything, in
               this case only vdW
               couple-intramol          = no
               nstdhdl                  = 10

           It appears you are trying to do a free energy calculation by
           transforming your system.  Turn off the free energy code to
           determine whether or not this is a source of the problem.


               Step 3, time 0.006 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
               relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
               rms 0.337002, max 0.559171 (between atoms 1 and 4)
               bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
                atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
                    1      2   90.0    0.1006   0.1091      0.1000
                    1      3   90.0    0.2058   0.1141      0.1000
                    1      4   90.0    0.3028   0.1559      0.1000

               Back Off! I just backed up step3b_n3.pdb to

               Back Off! I just backed up step3b_n4.pdb to

               Back Off! I just backed up step3c_n2.pdb to

               Back Off! I just backed up step3c_n3.pdb to

               Back Off! I just backed up step3c_n4.pdb to
               Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
               Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
               Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
               Segmentation fault

               PLEASE HELP ME...

           LINCS warnings are the most common error reported to this list.
            Please refer to the following pages for help:


           If you still can't find your answer, refer to the list
        archive.  As
           I said, such errors are commonly reported.  Surely you'll find
           something useful.  The only thing that can be said right now
        is that
           your system is unstable.  Either you need better minimization or
           equilibration (or both), your .mdp settings are incorrect, or the
           free energy code is causing an instability (which is a symptom of
           the first two points, it does not suggest the free energy code is
           not working).


           --     ==============================____==========

           Justin A. Lemkul
           Ph.D. Candidate
           ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
           MILES-IGERT Trainee
           Department of Biochemistry
           Virginia Tech
           Blacksburg, VA
           jalemkul[at] <> <> | (540)
        231-9080 <tel:%28540%29%20231-9080>


           --     gmx-users mailing list
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-- ==============================__==========

    Justin A. Lemkul
    Ph.D. Candidate
    ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
    MILES-IGERT Trainee
    Department of Biochemistry
    Virginia Tech
    Blacksburg, VA
    jalemkul[at] <> | (540) 231-9080

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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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