Yoshus Kumka wrote:

I am trying to a simple energy minimization with my DNA molecule I created with 3DNA program. Below is a snippet of a pdb file where I've only included coordinates for one residue to save space (/Actual file contains coordinates for 12-mer DNA/).

So my question is why is the pdb2gmx spitting out *Fatal Error: Atom P in residue DG 0 not found in rtp entry entry DGN with 32 atoms while sorting atoms?* I am using forcefield94 and looking at the .rtp file and atom P is surely present in the forcefield. Is the pdb format? Something else?

The problem is that you have a 5' phosphate, which the .rtp file does not expect. The error message is saying that it found a P atom in the .pdb file, but that atom is not present in the .rtp entry.

If it the format then does anyone know how to properly put together a pdb file of a nucleic acid and show me what it looks like, and what forcefields are good for DNA ligand interactions?

There have been some discussions in the past about how to properly build termini; check the list archive. The choice of force field is not problematic, but the agreement between the structure and the expectations of that force field is.


thanks in advance

REMARK    3DNA (v1.5, Nov. 2002) by Xiang-Jun Lu at Wilma K. Olson's Lab.
ATOM      1  P         DG A   1      -0.356   9.218   1.848
ATOM      2  O1P   DG A   1      -0.311  10.489   2.605
ATOM      3  O2P   DG A   1      -1.334   9.156   0.740
ATOM      4  O5'   DG A   1       1.105   8.869   1.295
ATOM      5  C5'   DG A   1       2.021   8.156   2.146
ATOM      6  C4'   DG A   1       2.726   7.072   1.355
ATOM      7  O4'   DG A   1       1.986   5.817   1.352
ATOM      8  C3'   DG A   1       2.952   7.370  -0.127
ATOM      9  O3'   DG A   1       4.210   6.832  -0.518
ATOM     10  C2'   DG A   1       1.848   6.598  -0.850
ATOM     11  C1'   DG A   1       1.913   5.344   0.016
ATOM     12  N9    DG A   1       0.711   4.472  -0.101
ATOM     13  C8    DG A   1      -0.606   4.826  -0.294
ATOM     14  N7    DG A   1      -1.430   3.807  -0.354
ATOM     15  C5    DG A   1      -0.599   2.700  -0.190
ATOM     16  C6    DG A   1      -0.914   1.317  -0.165
ATOM     17  O6    DG A   1      -2.010   0.775  -0.284
ATOM     18  N1    DG A   1       0.233   0.533   0.025
ATOM     19  C2    DG A   1       1.516   1.023   0.172
ATOM     20  N2    DG A   1       2.476   0.111   0.344
ATOM     21  N3    DG A   1       1.811   2.321   0.149
ATOM     22  C4    DG A   1       0.709   3.095  -0.035


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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